how do i look? frst grw


New Member
hey everyone can anyone give me an idea about how much longer they think ?? 2weeks?? this is bubblioush my first grow DWC under now two 600w hps n mh.. can anyone tell me if this looks good or not meaning how i did growin it.thanks all i really appreciate any input!!


banks dank

Active Member
Nice bro how long did u veg em?

Look at the trichromes to tell of plant will be different than bottom.

Well done sir


New Member
thank you very much .. i vegged for around two months i started from seed and it was alil slow thats in the 8th week of flower and i am seein just today the start of new growth and them starting to fattin up so..yea i had a hard time cloning this plant but i did get one and thats veggin.. thanks so much you two guys!!


Well-Known Member
Damn thats a stacked little fucker alright. Looks great for a first try.

Like banks said, get a scope and check trichs to measure maturity. A cheapo scope can be had on amazon for less than $15.