How do I Lower my Soil PH??


Weed Modifier
what kind of soil? and what nutrients are you using? how much did you mix to feed? look like they are hungry. major deficiency's.
sorry i kinda was using two threads for the same issue.. here is the link the plants are in the original owners organic indoor potting mix.. i do have foxfarm ocean forest soil but not sure they would survive a transplant just yet .. since i took them in i gave them nutrients shortly after the picture in this link and trimmed most of the dead off.. i am using big bloom and grow big with kangeroot following the foxfarm feeding schedule to where they should be .. im really just trying to salvage these so im not completely dry for my previously planed grow starting in a few weeks.. noticing the soil ph was over 7 concerns meas well as nutes .. so im trying to soak up as much information as possible :-/


Well-Known Member
so basically what im getting from the responses is if i use a liquid agent to lower the ph it is only solving the problem temporarily ? ? thanks everyone for being helpful
That is exactly right. Despite the bashing, Cowboylogic has given spot on advice and info.

Vinegar and baking soda? Keep it in the kitchen.

#1 As was mentioned before, if it's one of those 2 pronged meters you stick in the dirt, THROW IT AWAY!!!!! They are worse than nothing because they are so inaccurate and will have you trying to correct a wrong pH. Most organic soils tend to be acidic, not alkaline.

#2 If you really need to lower soil pH, garden sulfur will do the job. Not liquids of any sort. pHing water or nutes or whatever is just pissing into the wind. It sounds good to noobs and gives stoners something to do. Gardeners and farmers fix their soil pH first and get on with growing without all this nonsense.

#3 Get some powdered dolomite lime, or garden lime or sweet lime. You WILL need it, even with FFOF. $5 for a 40lb bag at HD or Lowes, it prevents so many problems from happening in the first place. Keeps your pH buffered into the 'sweet' zone and supplies cal/mag to boot. Best $5 you'll EVER spend.

You can do this the easy way (real gardeners/farmers), or the internet stoners way (pHing everything). Your call.


209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
That is complete bs. No matter what pH your water is that you pour into the is going to buffer to the mediums pH within a half hour....pHing water/feeding solutions is a waste of time in soil grows......
Even when you add lime to soil it takes weeks for it to react and make a major change. And you think just pouring pHed water through the medium will change its pH. You got more learning to do lads.....
new to me.Thanks for the post.So I need to worry about the soil not the water?


Well-Known Member
new to me.Thanks for the post.So I need to worry about the soil not the water?
Yep, pH adjusters(up/down)are for hydro and have no place in a soil grow. Using them is just adding something else to your medium to possibly cause issues with zero positive effects. Dolomite lime and worm castings are a dirt baggers best friend.
Dont get caught up in the pH game in dirt. If you have a plant doing fine and suddenly has problems most want to blame pH. But pH swings do not happen overnight nor can really be corrected overnight, takes time in soil. And most grows spend 60-90 days in the same medium. If you do not totally abuse nutes it will change very little over that time period with proper prep.


Well-Known Member
water will buffer to the soil. 6.2 water will come out the bottom, at ph of soil. try a dressing of peat. if you can work it in, without disturbing roots, that would be good.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
lol talk about a bringing back a deAd thread, but this thread set me on point about ph for soil growing. I don't fuck with ph and really had no problems now with my soil grow. I'm petty sure it was me and the vinegar. I was trying to low my soils ph with out thinking of what I was doing to the soil-All I knew was that I had to have it at 6.5 ph-FUCKEN NOOB DAYS.


Active Member
The soil I use seems to stay around 6.8 which is normally fine but I have one plant that is particular about pH. Anything over 6.5 and it shoes signs of iron diffency, I miss diagnosed it for a long time. I degreas, sorry. I would get a pH pen and adjust the pH to something like 5.8 and water to run off. Capture some of that water and check pH again, that will give u a good idea of what exactly is going on with ur soil. Now on how I found to lower it to that sweet spot of 5.8-6.5. I got maxi crop liquid seaweed plus iron for acid lovingplants. I applyed that once a week per instructions while constantly monitoring the pH run off. Hope this helped keep growing brother keep growing

P.s. I would upgrade the size of your pots,yyour roots are going to get "knotted"


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2412311Why do you want it so low for soil?
6.5 for soil is what you should aim for, and I bet if you put a little lime on top of the soil to water in it will gelp buffer the PH down to 6.5 or close enough as long as you are PH'ing your water to 6.5


Active Member
So you justn cut a lime in half and sat in there as you water to lower ph? What's up with the vinegar thing is that necessary?