How Do I Make My Tomatoes Flower?


Active Member
I am starting some tomatoes in my grow room, got 3 little sprouts right now. I've been searching the internet for info on exactly how to force flowering, and I'm coming up empty except for a random reference to nighttime temps. I got the rest of it down, I've been growing them outside for 4 years, but I've never had to make them flower before. Help me please?


Well-Known Member
Uhm... Just like a lot of plants. Put it in a constant not interrupted 12/12 cycle, put it in a larger container(depending on your situation), feed the correct nutrients and wait. It wont happen over night.


Active Member
I thought flowering of tomatoes was NOT based on photoperiod? If it was a 12/12 period for induction, they wouldn't grow their flowers outside when the days are longest, they would flower in the fall just like weed. And I'm not looking to flower them now, this has nothing to do with impatience, I would just like to be prepared when it's time.


Well-Known Member
They do seem to flower "when they're ready" in my experience. I planted 6 different varieties this year, all started in my box and ready to be planted outside. I've got a feeling my cherry tomatoes are gonna flower and bloom long before my larger varieties do.


Active Member
They do seem to flower "when they're ready" in my experience. I planted 6 different varieties this year, all started in my box and ready to be planted outside. I've got a feeling my cherry tomatoes are gonna flower and bloom long before my larger varieties do.
Thank you! I just found that info and came back to post it in case someone else comes looking. The do just flower on their own when they reach maturity.


Well-Known Member
As always I waited too long to start seedlings for my tomatoes. I'll have to use someone Else's pre-grown again. This is only a little bit off topic. I was never sure about the vernalization thing, very interesting. Don't forget a tad bit more calcium to slow down flower drop once your plants do flower. I always thought it was interesting that these plants self pollinate during windows of temperature, warmer at night and not too hot during the day - and then, they get a boost from the frequency of wing beats from certain insects. I've taken an electric toothbrush to the base of some of the branches and gotten more to pollinate on that branch than an adjacent one that I didn't vibrate.