how do i plant my roaches?


Well-Known Member
The second roach from the left looks like its unwrapping. The taproot should start growing out soon.


Active Member
Yep it's confirmed, I went to the doc to find out why my stomach was feeling weird after swallowing a seed and after looking at multiple X-rays, he said it looked like a plant. He wanted to open me up to take it out but I told him I was used to it. Whew!!! That was close.................. :shock: :shock: :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yep it's confirmed, I went to the doc to find out why my stomach was feeling weird after swallowing a seed and after looking at multiple X-rays, he said it looked like a plant. He wanted to open me up to take it out but I told him I was used to it. Whew!!! That was close.................. :shock: :shock: :shock:

swallow a bong and a lighter!!:wink: :wink:


Well-Known Member
This is awesome! I knew there was some magical reason why I kept a stash of roaches!

To the fields for planting roaches!


Well-Known Member
what probably happened was the person whoever rolled the blunt probably threw the stems and seeds somewhere around the same area where they smoke or throw the roach, thats the only possible solution...I mean logically as a grower you should know that there is no possible way to grow from a roach.

are U trying to germ these roaches?????? LMAO!!!


Well-Known Member
i went to a different plate. it is a little smaller and deeper. will this hurt my roaches? i don't think i disturbed them to bad. will they go into shock? i just slid the paper towel from one plate to the other. is this ok? i placed the plate on top of the board which my veg lights hang on. it is not directly lit. it is above the lights for heat. is this ok? so far i think everything is looking good. it looks like the juices is starting to seep out. next comes the root. how long before i see roots? i just started seeing the juice this morning. any help would be great!! thanks. :peace: :joint: :joint:

day 2

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Beware!! the roach on the right looks like it's getting a little moldy,like danish blue cheese, this is quite common for some roaches during the germination process, however this may kill the fragile taproots and the mold could spread to other baby roaches, throw/burn/kill the infected roach ASAP, b4 it spreads the disease!
Remember, to avoid further mold, be sure to keep your germinating set up in a well ventilated area and/or ventilate them a few times a day. Good luck!:joint::joint::peace::mrgreen:


Active Member
maybe if you soked a roach in some root hormone? lol. I might try some stuff next time I have some stank ass roaches.


Well-Known Member
where'd the roach tree go? dang it. i was in awe. they grow whole blunts. that was a nice plant. oh well.

so i checked my plate this morning. that was close, almost dried out. that's why i hate the plate method. i usually soak my seeds in a film can to germ but i think my roaches would fall apart if i did it that way. so i added water and everything is still going good.


Well-Known Member

keep in mind, this thread is HILARIOUS.

and im sorry to burst your bubble..

but i don't think anyone with 1,190 posts has written 1,190 REDICULOUS posts..

obviously he's kidding..

BUT, for anyone who is actually interested in roach germination heres my Blunt-berry Yum Yum plant at 6 weeks flowering..

just pluck that beezie and enjoy... i use 30x magnification to see when the saliva has dried.. some people use a lighter to dry it up, but if cured correctly you will have your maximum taste and potency..

daymn it feels good to be a gansta...bongsmilie

