How do I transplant from rockwool to soil?


Active Member
Three of my clones are in the same block of rockwool. A friend told me I should cut them apart and plop them in my pots with the rockwool attached and put my soil mix around that. I started to do that but I'm pretty sure I can't avoid cutting the roots if I continue. I've read and heard elsewhere that I should place the rockwool in water and carefully strip it away and then put them in soil. But some say that causes damage to root hairs? There are plenty of roots popping out of the rockwool. So whats a noob to do? And how do I do it?


Well-Known Member
just put the rockwool and all in the new pot.

The last holdout #5-1. She finally went in soil today after 19 days.

Here she is in the soil.

A red sleeve to show shes a girl.



Well-Known Member
it depends how long the roots are, it would be better to cut them apart if you can avoid cutting the roots. A few cut roots won't hurt the plant just hinder growth for a few days. If the roots are too long to cut apart you might want to try getting the rockwool real wet and it should rip right apart.


Active Member
Hey Randy Rocket,
It looks like you soaked the rockwool before putting it into the cups of soil. Is that right? Should I do that? And if I soak the rockwool, does the soil still need to be wet (I know I'm not supposed to let it be muddy).

P.S. Thank you for the help friends!! I love this place! I am an eager student and there are so many willing teachers here. Thank you all!