How do i use CITY power so i dont have to use my power?

i know plenty of people that have done it with no problems. think bout what your power bill will b with about 15 1000wat hps lights on 18 hours a day every day just like the ac will have to be on most of the day to keep the house cool. your power bill would be sky high and it would defintly cause an ivestigation.
hey weed 13 are u stupid ?
dont u know ppl do commercial grow
paying thier bills ?
i know ppl who grow in mtl
and they have 6000$ per month to pay as a electricity bill
and they pay it
they bought a compagny that just closed.
look at the power they were using
and bought that place
said they were doing paper printing like the old compagny
and no one even thinks there is something strange
since they use maybe as many watt as they were before
just stfu
People like you that steal power make the other people's power that they actuly pay for go up in price, if your woried about using to much power then grow using CFL , I could make close to $50 to $100 a week for clones
first of all thumping does go down, seen it, heard of it.... it doesnt always happen, but if u are splitting, and they do happen to run in your area... u are FUCKED..... may not know much about growing... but i do know about electrical...

running a generator would be absolutly stupid unless you are in the boondocks..... open your mind.. what do you think a 4stroke honda running 12 a day would sound like?

running commerical... concider solar setups... collecting as much sunlight so as big of a battery as possible... figure out the usage... and make up the diff in the power comapys electric. dont use so much light wattage.... yes you want good bud, but you also wanna make money.... more watts = more risk = prison time which sucks ass (been in prison for a year) was totaly different reason but prison is all the fuckin same.
if you have the cash to go commercial... do it right.... buy an old comapy.... small business... like homey said... run from there..... state you are running presses... something.....
anyways... as this thread begins... dont steal power... stupidest idea ever.... i fully agree with paying the damn bill... if ur in a restricted situation then dont use so much power.... you can get good results with cfl if used properly and in the right enviorment/grow medium.... if you are in a unusaly cold enviorment using cfls... you can get a small heater and just run it buy an intake fan on a timer..... if your in a hot enviorment run a fan from exterior of home using good screens as to not invite unwanted pests....if you must... use a small wattage hps with weak cfls or tubes around plant to make up for that extra lights... use LST......

yes big ops get the good bud.... but big ops come with an extremely high risk.... and it is never worth it unless you are extremely knowledged or have nothing to lose..... like i said earlier.... look into small solar setups.... you can get a very decient amount of power supply from these.
i have a buddy who does this for a living.... hes hooked up ranch houses which produce enough energy from the panels to power his house 24/7 and still sell power to neighboring homes! if you are going commercial obviously you have the money to concider this.... besides commercial is intentions of sales... which is not smiled upon here. either way... hope you find another way...! good luck

(ps) you better know a good bit about electricity and power before trying to go and split lines and shit..... you may be seeing your setup past the first attempt at the splice.... as stated before... you cannot shut off power before trying this.... big no no....... besides the fire risk involved.... you dont wanna light up like a christmas tree
hey weed 13 are u stupid ?
dont u know ppl do commercial grow
paying thier bills ?
i know ppl who grow in mtl
and they have 6000$ per month to pay as a electricity bill
and they pay it
they bought a compagny that just closed.
look at the power they were using
and bought that place
said they were doing paper printing like the old compagny
and no one even thinks there is something strange
since they use maybe as many watt as they were before
just stfu

Lol im from montreal , and my fathers friend IS an electrician Who has many large crop basements around the city and he take the power befor it hits the meter has never got caught , but he told me no matter how much electricity u take IFFFFF u pay it , u should never have 1 phone call from ur power company or from a cop..
I don't understand why people would want to try to grow massive amounts. You're just asking to get caught. Either in the process of growing such massive amounts or spending the rewards from such a crop. IE not paying taxes on it and the IRS comes for you.

And yes I think stealing power is incredibly dumb. You should be able to grow a nice crop without having a power bill over $200 a month from what i've seen from my operation. In fact my last bill was $115 bucks last month and its me in a three bedroom house built in 1940 that has zero insulation. How do I do it? I keep my A/C set at 80* and I compensate by using fans. I'm in hot ass florida by the way too.

If you really want to make big money do it with a legitimate business. I have been in legitimate business and illegitimate and I can tell you I have and I do make WAY more money from the legit side. Plus you can save and invest the profits from a legitimate business. All you can do with so called dirty money is spend it as cash, for the most part.
how can u make more money paying ur bills lol..... thats some funny thing ahaha
K i make 5000$ a month lets say , do i make more money giving 1000$ or not giving 1000$
Alright so follow me on this.

Cats always land on their feet.
Buttered toast always lands butter side down.

So if we could strap buttered toast to the back of a cat what would happen?


As you can see the cat falls to the ground it begins to slow down, the cat must land on it's feet and the toast must land butter side down. This causes the initial rotation, as the buttered toast nears the ground the cat rotates to attempt to land feet first, followed by the buttered toast causing them to spin at an ever increasing rate.

Now if we were to stick this cat inside a power generating turbine we could power all our lights indefinitely.


As you can see this could be groundbreaking. There are some problems with this system.

1. Cats are evil by nature. Having been created as physical manifestations of Satan their piercing "I'm so cute" gaze can turn even the coldest heart.
2. Without some sort of assisted breaking this machine spins faster and faster until the turbine breaks apart and the cat implodes into a singularity of pure energy blasting light 100x brighter than the sun for 30 seconds. This can be useful in the final minutes of flowering but it's difficult to time these things out and not recommended.
3. Cats don't like spinning. Research has shown it is difficult to use the same cat twice, two lab technicians have be killed by a cat trying to escape.
4. Cats will lick the butter off the toast eventually. Current research is being done to see if cats can lick the butter at a linear rate, thereby keeping speed constant while providing a tasty treat for the cat.

If we can overcome these and any other possible unforeseen problems we will be well on our way to a golden age of cat powered cars, homes, plants and marijuana grow operations.
Alright so follow me on this.

Cats always land on their feet.
Buttered toast always lands butter side down.

So if we could strap buttered toast to the back of a cat what would happen?


As you can see the cat falls to the ground it begins to slow down, the cat must land on it's feet and the toast must land butter side down. This causes the initial rotation, as the buttered toast nears the ground the cat rotates to attempt to land feet first, followed by the buttered toast causing them to spin at an ever increasing rate.

Now if we were to stick this cat inside a power generating turbine we could power all our lights indefinitely.


As you can see this could be groundbreaking. There are some problems with this system.

1. Cats are evil by nature. Having been created as physical manifestations of Satan their piercing "I'm so cute" gaze can turn even the coldest heart.
2. Without some sort of assisted breaking this machine spins faster and faster until the turbine breaks apart and the cat implodes into a singularity of pure energy blasting light 100x brighter than the sun for 30 seconds. This can be useful in the final minutes of flowering but it's difficult to time these things out and not recommended.
3. Cats don't like spinning. Research has shown it is difficult to use the same cat twice, two lab technicians have be killed by a cat trying to escape.
4. Cats will lick the butter off the toast eventually. Current research is being done to see if cats can lick the butter at a linear rate, thereby keeping speed constant while providing a tasty treat for the cat.

If we can overcome these and any other possible unforeseen problems we will be well on our way to a golden age of cat powered cars, homes, plants and marijuana grow operations. smoke a lot of weed huh?
i dont know why people rag on comercial growers,im not one,i dont have the health or the desire,maybe when i was younger with out dependents,but the fact of the matter is with out those guys makeing the big cash growing large amounts,half the people in the country dont have weed to smoke and then tell me what the prices are,i lived in isolated communities were it was 15 dollars a joint,you want that in your neighbor hood.if you think its sts stupid for someone to grow big,then be willing to pay through your teeth when there is no supply.