How do i use h202

Bleach is Terrible. DON'T USE IT. It leaves a toxic film that will fuck up EVERYTHING

say what?

chlorine is a tertiary nutrient of cannabis. it's a long term solution versus not having to re-add peroxide every few days.

do muni water supplies use chlorine or peroxide?
do you drink water with chlorine or peroxide in it?
What I like about peroxide as opposed to bleach is that once it breaks down, it's gone. I'm big into bennies, and I'm overly anal about keeping anti-microbrial chemicals away from my res or my roots whenever possible.

Plus, I use H2O2 all the time in household applications - laundry, bathroom and kitchen cleaning, dishes... I love the stuff, and am just more accustomed to using it on a regular basis. Just personal preference, I guess.
What I like about peroxide as opposed to bleach is that once it breaks down, it's gone. I'm big into bennies, and I'm overly anal about keeping anti-microbrial chemicals away from my res or my roots whenever possible.

Plus, I use H2O2 all the time in household applications - laundry, bathroom and kitchen cleaning, dishes... I love the stuff, and am just more accustomed to using it on a regular basis. Just personal preference, I guess.

i'm with ya. i'm sterile with pool shock. easy, cheapest, and it works.

i'm overly anal about keeping good and bad bacteria away.

like you said, to each his own but chlorine is not bad like that one poster claimed
Of course, if I were a sterile rez kinda guy, bleach would probably be my first choice. Because then, I would want something more stable in the long term than peroxide.

And yeah, I agree - bleach is not that big a deal. I don't like the smell, or the residue that lingers, but plants do fine with small amounts of chlorine. Hell, just go on out to my backyard and tell all those goddamned frogs in my swimming pool how deadly chlorine is, and I expect they'll just laugh their little green asses off.
i'm with ya. i'm sterile with pool shock. easy, cheapest, and it works.

i'm overly anal about keeping good and bad bacteria away.

like you said, to each his own but chlorine is not bad like that one poster claimed
I've used bleach to clean buckets before and it left a thick white powdery substance on them that was disgusting.
I've used bleach to clean buckets before and it left a thick white powdery substance on them that was disgusting.

depends on the bleaching agent and other conditions. If its Sodium hypochlorite or Calcium hypochlorite it could potentially reactive with residual minerals or whatnot (at high concentrations) and precipitate some stuff out. I think even using it with hard water might leave some residue

EDIT: the chlorine itself generally produces water soluble salts in reaction- it might have been the conjugate reaction (whatever is attached to the chlorine) that may have reacted elsewhere.
also @Jerseykushface it might be pointless trying to 'eradicate' the life in your rez, the spores can stick freaking everywhere, even pyth (root rot) can live inside your roots for periods of time. You can never really 'kill' everything in a sterile rez, you just make it super hard to breed more stuff. But since you're planning on keeping the ecosystem alive sometime after, you're better off just re-inoculating (new microbes to the rez, and rootballs) after the rez change. Adding enough concentrated new life forms will eventually overpower whats there, and if you need a super concentrated batch, you can breed via tea.
Of course, if I were a sterile rez kinda guy, bleach would probably be my first choice. Because then, I would want something more stable in the long term than peroxide.

And yeah, I agree - bleach is not that big a deal. I don't like the smell, or the residue that lingers, but plants do fine with small amounts of chlorine. Hell, just go on out to my backyard and tell all those goddamned frogs in my swimming pool how deadly chlorine is, and I expect they'll just laugh their little green asses off.

are they the kind that you can lick and get a little trippy?
1ml per litre of 50% added every 3days to the res to run a sterile res, to clean a res I double that and let it run through everything that solution would normally run through, hose pump trays fittings res etc. Run this for 24 hours then empty out and run with tap water for 12 hours. I used hydrogen peroxide religiously for years, now I just use straight sodium hypochlorite, don't believe the hype, this shit wprks wonders for plants and walley
maybe people that are just sterilizing between colonisations of beneficials should invest in an ozone generator designed for fish tanks.

The reason being is that although products like h2o2 and bleach do a good job at killing and stopping nasties, they aren't always 100% effective, especially when there is so much to stop and kill like in a live res. Couple with that the fact that when someone needs to shock kill a live res its usually because something has went wrong. Whereas a sterile grower never has to shock kill a res, all I ever do is maintain a dead res.

ozone is far superior to bleach and h2o2 for shock killing a res Imo, use bleach and ozone together if u have to, but definitely use ozone.

your other option would be to use live products to clean it up. That however is up to u.
maybe people that are just sterilizing between colonisations of beneficials should invest in an ozone generator designed for fish tanks.

The reason being is that although products like h2o2 and bleach do a good job at killing and stopping nasties, they aren't always 100% effective, especially when there is so much to stop and kill like in a live res. Couple with that the fact that when someone needs to shock kill a live res its usually because something has went wrong. Whereas a sterile grower never has to shock kill a res, all I ever do is maintain a dead res.

ozone is far superior to bleach and h2o2 for shock killing a res Imo, use bleach and ozone together if u have to, but definitely use ozone.

your other option would be to use live products to clean it up. That however is up to u.

I'm in the boat now that if you run bennies, you shouldn't shock. I tried that on my last rez change last grow and i swear all it did was kill the good stuff (and eventually the plants). I think @Blue brother nailed it- there's just so much stuff to kill in there at that point, that any oxidizing agent might get 'used up' before it finishes the job.

What would be different about the ozone generator? Imagine it would produce similar effects to h2o2
my statement is down to personal experience, but after a little reading I believe this to be the reason, ozone is more reactive than h2o2 which means it oxidizes quicker and is more intensive. Its just better at sterilizing. It kills not only more microbes but a wider range of microbes, it also destroys the most resillient of bacteria.

plus the way i always used h2o2 was to pour it into the res, at which point it starts to dissipate. As a grower you don't know what happens after that, is it enough? You don't really know. With an ozone generator connected to the venturi part of your pump you are constantly pumping in o3, you can do this for as long as you like, I've ran it for 12 hours in between res changes. I still use bleach in with the solution but the ozone is what I rely on to kill EVERYTHING.

They use ozone to sterilize medical equipment, you can take that to the bank.

hope this helps
my statement is down to personal experience, but after a little reading I believe this to be the reason, ozone is more reactive than h2o2 which means it oxidizes quicker and is more intensive. Its just better at sterilizing. It kills not only more microbes but a wider range of microbes, it also destroys the most resillient of bacteria.

plus the way i always used h2o2 was to pour it into the res, at which point it starts to dissipate. As a grower you don't know what happens after that, is it enough? You don't really know. With an ozone generator connected to the venturi part of your pump you are constantly pumping in o3, you can do this for as long as you like, I've ran it for 12 hours in between res changes. I still use bleach in with the solution but the ozone is what I rely on to kill EVERYTHING.

They use ozone to sterilize medical equipment, you can take that to the bank.

hope this helps

I do like taking things to the bank!
If you are running bennies and not having issues i see no reason to throw in H2o2, bleach, shock, or any other product that claims to kill bacteria. Now if something has gone sideways, you got the rot or something else, have at it. You need to pick which side of the fence you want to be on. Bennies or sterile.