How do i use sucanat(pure sugar cane)???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just wanted to find out how you use sucant, how you mix it, what amounts to use and what are the benifits and so on.....

So any one with any experience?

hope you can help



Well-Known Member
Hey gods gift

Already found the the thread you pointed out but it says use tbs of the mix and some others say tsp so want to discuss amounts like ive said!!!!.... and if you read the thread again he doesnt say how you mix it up he goes on about taste and cookin with it more......... so i want to no how do you mix and can it be used with other it ok with coco witch im usin............and wanted people who have used it to let me know if its any good!

Also the thread is old and not many people anwserin Qs on it so thought id try and get some on here




Active Member
Hey whatever, you can be pissed all you want, but it's bs when you won't even search for yourself...there are a plethora of threads about sucanat on this forum, as I said. Try google on for size, there are tons of hits on sucanat.
But for the record, the general rule of thumb is 1-2 tsp per gal. And yes it's ok to use it with coco. And yes people have good results, adding sugars for your plants to use is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Hi GS i was pissed at 1st but after readin realised you was helpin sorry if i offended you.
Ive done loads of and on here and asked people.....but im gettin mixed answers every where,
like you say 1-2tsp a gal, subcool on his thread says 1-2 tbs a gal thats a big difference (tea spoon/table spoon)..... I still dont know how to mix do i just add to water an stur till desolved??............... So do you see where im comin from?...i just thought i could get a thread rollin where people can talk, swop info, learn new methods and compare results with the stuff



Active Member
Yeah, big difference between tsp and tbs or T and t. An article in High Times also says 1-2 tsp., I use Sweet by Botanicare (there are other products too), but I was thinking about switching to sucanat on the next run and compare the results. The author of the High Times article claims sucanat is his favorite sugar additive, above the commercial types like Sweet.


Well-Known Member
So after doin your research are you goin to use tsp or tbs? of the stuff? Did you find any info on how to mix?.....we could do with a thew long time uses droppin in an helpin us out we some Q's
I'd be interested in hearin your results from the comparison!
I dont want to add to much and mess up my plants ive got 4-5wks till i use so got some time to find out.



Active Member
Yeah, I just figured that out...I was about to post that the freak on the other site just copied it, and then put his name on the bottom of the post! What a loser!


Active Member
I am reading lots of people saying to keep an eye on your PH because sucanat raises it quite a bit. But I always PH balance everything, so no worries.


Well-Known Member
Yeah what a loser....some good info of some other people tho.....Im deffently goin to use know at 2tbs a gal.....Im usin canna boost at the min but its nearly all gone so ill start then now i know you can use with your nutes....and ill use for my flush also

Still really not sure how to mix? and if you add to your water 1st then nutes or nutes then add?




Well-Known Member
I ph balnce also so ill test later

As im from the UK i couldnt get hold of sucanat with out shippin it....... but thats the american brand name ive managed to get hold of the uk version its called "Muscavado sugar" it says on box unrefined pure sugar cane so contains natural molasses ands says contains carbs and im pretty shure its the same thing, its brown and its grains not crystalised.


Active Member
Yeah what a loser....some good info of some other people tho.....Im deffently goin to use know at 2tbs a gal.....Im usin canna boost at the min but its nearly all gone so ill start then now i know you can use with your nutes....and ill use for my flush also

Still really not sure how to mix? and if you add to your water 1st then nutes or nutes then add?


Still finding people saying tsp, so I'm perplexed. I did read lots of people say that if you are using other additives to only use 1 tbs...
Not sure it matters how you mix it, I would just dump it in and shake/stir till dissolved, don't think it matters if nutes are first or vice versa.


Active Member
I ph balnce also so ill test later

As im from the UK i couldnt get hold of sucanat with out shippin it....... but thats the american brand name ive managed to get hold of the uk version its called "Muscavado sugar" it says on box unrefined pure sugar cane so contains natural molasses ands says contains carbs and im pretty shure its the same thing, its brown and its grains not crystalised.
Yeah, that sounds about right...


Well-Known Member
Me to on the tsp thing but a lot of people who said tsp use that cos thats what they mix there molasses got me thinkin maybe 1 tbs then if its 2tsp im not a million miles away...Im still nervous bout addin though!



Active Member
I've used TBS per gallon for a few cycles -coco and super soil. What I did is put the sugar in a bottle and fill it with warm water and shake it. And dump it in the water. Nowadays, I just use tsp per gallon molasses instead of sucanat because I've noticed no difference and it's cheaper. Using CA/MG supplements is even cheaper than stocking up on sucanat. I still buy sucanat for baking and coffee instead.


Well-Known Member
Hi elduece thanks for droppin in buddy

So you say...... you seen know difference in molasses and the sucanat...thats cool cos ive herd the molasses are good so hope i see results!
Im thinkin im goin to roll with the tbs....How many a gal did you use and at what stages?...... Im in coco did it work well for you?


jimmy jones

Active Member
I use 1 tablespoon per gallon everytime I feed with nutes(every third watering). I begin this at the first sign of flowers. I continue to use it all the way til harvest(even after I stop using nutes). Just dissolve it in warm water add your nutes and mix with a gallon of water.