how do I use the Aerogarden as a cloner?

sounds like a great idea matatan. Its day 4 with my clones in my AG Tall. If you have a AG 6 you can buy the taller adjustment arm for $79.99. But the irrigation is nice on the 7. I just have one questions. in my AG 7 with humidity domes on each. How high should I set the light? And yes drift- nice work, looking good. I will still post pics but again you can make humidity domes for your AG clones by using water bottles with the tops cut or a 2 liter if your cutting are big. Still just wondering how high should I set the lights for best results?
I still haven't seen this irrigation system for the AG7 and have Google searched, could you possibly post pictures of it? I'm very interested and might modify my AG6...
Also instead of buying an adjustment arm just go buy a set of yo'yo adjustable light hangers for $10 and hang your light from the ceiling so you have infinite adjustability... The last time I used my AG to flower I finished just under 3.5 ft tall using light hangers vs an arm. Also the arm gets in the way of the plant, if you remove it there arent any obstacles for the plant to grow around, it also makes rez changes easier not having an attached light, use a playstation cord to plug the AG light into its own timer instead of being confined to 12" from the base where the normal light cord plugs in.

I will try using a humidity dome from a standard clone tray once I have room in my veg area to transfer my 8" tall clones.
So far I have always put the light all the way to the lowest setting when starting from seed or when rooting a clone, since the AG lights are such low wattage I keep them within 1" of my plants when the plants are tall enough to be that close.
I love mine too! Lol
The light extends about 16" high I believe, I will measure when I get home. I used a Sony Playstation power cord and some yo-yo light hangers to hang the light higher and provide infinite adjustablity. The res holds a gallon exact I believe but I will measure for u next dump which will be in a few days. I originally bought my Aerogarden 6 new from a discount store for $40 and honestly couldn't be happier with my purchase! I have been able to get 8 grams dried and cured out of each pod with the supplied lights, 2 cfls, and upgraded air pump. They are awesome for the beginner and for small areas or if u nee somewhere to start seeds its perfect! Now that I have a "full 12x12 room DWC grow" I'm just trying to find a new use for mine. Ill take pics tonight, I was reallybusy last night.
I've never been able to find an extension cord that works, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
yessir thats a sog setup, which im imitating on a small scale. the reason im stopping after taking 2 cuts of clones is because i have built an 8 site aeroponic system and another 8 site dwc system both in their own 25 gallon tote. i want to see which system works better. to me, in an aeroponic system, as soon as the roots touch hit the water it IS dwc and the sprinklers become irrelevant. thoughts on that?
either way tho since this will be my first educated grow where i actually have an idea of what im doing (not like that AG grow in my sig lol), i want to find out for myself if there is a difference in yield.

i will be setting up my grow area this week but been going back n forth with the grow area..
1. flower area 4'x7' - veg area 2'x4'6" -both closets.
OR 1a. use 12'x6' area and split it into two rooms flower-8'x6' veg-4'x6' -master bedroom
reason im going back n forth on this is because i live in an apt building. i have someone living on top and beside me. for the bigger space im worried about the smell because it will be in my bedroom which is the apt upstairs bedroom too. im buying a carbon filter regardless but i have no experience with it so i dont know how much it will stop the smell from penetrating the walls. if at all.

lighting - 600w hps flowering (im thinking maybe two 400w hps if i go with the bigger area, what u think?)
400w mh veg

-fans - i have no idea, ima go off what the hydro shop guy tells me for whichever area ( suggestions? i know it depends on the size of the room... INDECISION AHH!!)

-germinating in my AG7 (dont kno any other way to do this) after 2-3weeks moving the mothers individually in dwc 5 gallon buckets. (hydro shop told me it would be a good idea to put the mothers in soil so they wont grow as fast but i dont wanna deal with soil, at least not this go round.)

2. skipping the AG for cloning, im constructing my own 24 site cloner in a 18 gallon tote. reeeeeally easy to make, ill post pics of it 2morrow.:clap:
i wont be vegging in there. as soon as roots are about 4-6 inches ill be transplanting them into the 8 site aeroponic or dwc and veg for mab 2-3 weeks depending on height, then taking same unit into flower room.

3. mothers will be kept in the veg room to sustain veg state. 24/7 400w mh light.

enough detail for ya?:leaf: