How do i use the new like function recently added?


There is a little "Like" link just above where the add is in your post, you must roll over it with your mouse for it to appear. Right about here V


Well-Known Member
i couldnt figure it out at first either. Why couldnt they have made it more obvious, like a big thumbs up by the rep star or something :D


Well-Known Member
They aint catering to us any more Dr Greenhorn, they already sucked us in. There catering to the new generation, little babies with blackberries selling stock trying to score some dank ass casey jones :lol:


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the rep and like system? im assuming you are. i have a very different view, i believe it is a decent and worthwhile idea to have them. If you look at it from the points and people caring about them in a status/rank sort of way(i dont, i could care less the points/status i have) i can see where your coming from. A +rep in my mind is to thank someone who helped you or had a good post worth complimenting. Call me lame if you want but i like being thanked and people complimenting my posts. It's nice to see people do appreciate you, especially helpful after you get a few of those know it all explode at you for no reason noobs when your trying to help them. lol.


Well-Known Member
On the flip of that darkdestruction, a lot of people who are medical users, or non-medical users use cannabis for depression. So the little things like rep and liking could help them with their medical problem. Being nice to people can be like a medicine in itself. But being mean to people can be like flipping the switch activating the "climb to the top of the church tower with a 1000 rounds and target practice in town square". That is the far end of the spectrum, but you follow these threads :D