how do my plants look?


Well-Known Member
The tips on a few of them look dead.. the older leaves on a few are turning a bit yellow and droopy.. Do these look ready to transplant?

ps dont order from nirvana I have to use my own seeds because those NEVER came.. I'm not the only one that's had problems with them needs to remove them as a sponsor

any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Ok a few plants are exhibiting what I'd consider a nitrogen deficiency what do you think?



Well-Known Member
Could just as easily be too much nitrogen (versus a deficiency) at the age/size those plants are... even if you haven't officially fed them yet. Remember, just about any mix has some nutrients in it. I would leave it alone.

If it gets worse check your soil and water pH to make sure it is acceptable. Then try feeding. I don't feed my plants until the 3rd or 4th set of leaves. Some can take it earlier, but some can't.

If you do feed them now, do it *very* lightly.


Well-Known Member
I bet it's overfeeding.. should my plants really be growing 2 inches a day?

If that's true my plants are stunted I get 2 inches a week maybe..

yes I've been feeding nutes I bet too many I should start flushing maybe