How Do People Take DXM?


Active Member
I got a bottle of some cough syrup and its got total of 270mgs of DXM. i hear about people taking 500mgs+... i would hate to chug that much cough syrup. Is cough syrup the way that ur supposed to do it?:dunce:bongsmilie


Umm yeah.....Pills are better due to the lack of taste. POUND IT BOY. Next time check out costco they sell two packs of their "daytime" nyquil equivilant in pill form for like 13 bucks with 100 pills in each box. I think they have like 200 per pill. Be careful because this shit almost ALWAYS has acetimenphen in it and that shit tearsss up your liver. If you take it DO NOT drink tonight.

WTF I press enter and it posts this shit

CCC's = Cordicedian Cough and Cold are the shit too, and taste like cherry. Pop half the box you'll be set. Id dose around 800mg your first time. MAKE SURE you dont have to do anything outside in the cold or it will be fucking impossible Dexing....


Well-Known Member
^ this guy's an idiot. Triple-C's are retarded. They'll kill you real quick.

You're best bet is to find some pills without any other active ingredient. Like dexAlone or sucrets cough drops. If you can't get anything other than syrup you can use different extraction methods to get yourself some pure dxm and gel cap it, or turn the dxm into dxo (never done it this way personally, don't know the difference in the two)


Well-Known Member
No moron...

Chlorpheniramine Maleate
  • High doses of Chlorpheniramine Maleate (CPM) can cause severe and life-threatening symptoms including seizures; shortness of breath or troubled breathing; weakness; loss of consciousness; severe dryness of mouth, nose, or throat; bleeding from skin, mouth, eyes, rectum, and vagina; and possibly death.
  • We have seen recommendations that no more than 24 mg of CPM be taken in a day.
Chlorpheniramine Maleate 4 mg, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 30 mg

to take enough DXM to trip on ANY plateau, let alone 3 or 4, you would have taken an EXTREMELY poisonous amount of Chlorpheniramine Maleate. There have been numerous PUBLISHED deaths from taking triple-c's... douche nozzle


Well-Known Member
From the link you posted about DXM....

Over-the-counter products that contain DXM often contain other ingredients such as acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine, and guaifenesin. Large dosages of acetaminophen can cause liver damage; large dosages of chlorpheniramine can cause increased heart rate, lack of coordination, seizures, and coma; and large dosages of guaifenesin can cause vomiting.
Deaths caused by DXM overdoses are rare as most abusers ingest DXM products that contain other ingredients that cause vomiting, which expels the DXM from their bodies. Most DXM-related deaths are caused by ingesting the drug in combination with other drugs. DXM-related deaths also occur from impairment of the senses, which can lead to accidents.


Active Member
Im actually on 1074 mgs of DXM right now. i took 24 ccc's and 1 4 oz bottle of waltussin (which by the way has the same amount of dxm as robotussin but tastes a ton better). Before i took DXM my first time about a year ago, i researched it thoroughly and found it to be one of the safest drugs available. but be careful with CCC's, too much chlorpheniramine maleate can kill you. DXM itself is quite harmless to your body though if not taken daily and in very high doses. (mega bullshit anti-drug site) couldnt even come up with a harmful side effect of it. if you cant drink the syrup try robo gels. youl have to take a ton though


Oracle of Hallucinogens
CCC's = Cordicedian Cough and Cold are the shit too, and taste like cherry. Pop half the box you'll be set.
Please do not listen to this.. CCC's can contain Chlorpheniramine Maleate (CPM) which can be very dangerous and potentially lethal.

^ this guy's an idiot. Triple-C's are retarded. They'll kill you real quick.
Yes he is, yes they do.

^ this guy's an idiot. Triple-C's are retarded. They'll kill you real quick.

You're best bet is to find some pills without any other active ingredient. Like dexAlone or sucrets cough drops. If you can't get anything other than syrup you can use different extraction methods to get yourself some pure dxm and gel cap it, or turn the dxm into dxo (never done it this way personally, don't know the difference in the two)
I underlined all the really important shit. I don't think many people would like DXO.. I would personally say to avoid it unless you are a fiend for fuckedupedness (I tried it once was pretty hardcore).

Oh yeah? How many times have they killed you.....or is this unsubstatiaed 3rd...4th hand bullshit?
You are a retard. What the hell are you trying to get at? Population Control?

Google "Chlorpheniramine Maleate"

DXM kills you, not CCC's moron.
Wrong again, DXM is multitudes more safe than CPM.


Well-Known Member
I don't think many people would like DXO.. I would personally say to avoid it unless you are a fiend for fuckedupedness (I tried it once was pretty hardcore).
What's the difference between the two (besides the obvious difference in chemical compound)



Well-Known Member
Id dose around 800mg your first time.
^ this is also a retarded statement... Do you know how much he weighs? Do you know if he's going to potentiate the dxm? Do you know his tolerance of other drugs? How about what plateau he wants to reach? You're IGNORANT statements are going to hurt somebody...

According to the plateau calculator if the OP is 145 lbs, 800mg will put him WELL into the third plateau... Heres a quick description of the third plateau...

3rd Plateau: 7.5-15 mg/kg This level has strong intoxications and hallucinations. Things can become very confusing as your thinking processes are disturbed. You can sometimes daze-off into your own world, and get lost in your own mind. Trips in this plateau can sometimes be unpleasant.

Probably not what a newbie wants to experience...


Well-Known Member
800mg's is an extremely heavy dose even for an experienced person. If you wanna try a basic extraction (so as not to chug cough meds) you can do it with delsym because it contains dxm polistirex which is a little easier to work with.


Active Member
ive done dxm over a hundred times and 90% of the time i did Cordicedian Cough and Cold (me and my friends called them c3's) . the first thing i can tell you is for your first time 8 is enough, i usually took 16. second, alot of my friends used to do them back in the day and i've seen people eat 100 in one day (no joke, not recommended but i've seen it done) and third after i found out how to extract it thats what i did. its way better and alot cleaner and it is surprisingly easy to do. so i would advise you to look up extraction methods if you want to experience dxm. and oh yeah one of the best parts is smoking weed when your coming down off dxm, it just kicks it right back in again.


Active Member
Delsym contains DXM polistirex which is a time released form. this will make the trip less intense because it is released into your body gradually, but the trip will last much longer. I reccomend using DXM hbr which is the salt form found in robotussin, and most cough medicines. The trip will be of better quality and you wont have the shitty after effects lingering over you all of the next day.