how do these look


Well-Known Member
i will give that a go for my next grow. but i want to do everything perfect next time such as not over water them and use too much nutes and i might only do 2 next time with some big pots so they can get a good root system, now i have temp sorted and extraction and a carbon filter what else do i need to do a better grow. i have a ph meter and a cf truncheon aswell but do i need the cf truncheon as it measures how strong the nutes are but on the bottle it says 2 - 5 ml. so is there any need for it

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
The things you need to do a good job growing pot are:

simple potting soil for flowers with no added nutes, perlite or material that captures air, good nutes, strong lights (MH and HPS or just horticultural HPS), large pots, reflective material (mylar), fans, a magnifying instrument (magnifying glass, handheld microscope), a pH mater, a thermometer that also measures relative humidity, a co2 generator, a ppm meter (really optional), molasses (not really necessary, but I love it).

There is nothing else you need in order to grow good weed. You can use many tricks in order to raise your yeald, but the things I listed are essential if you want to do a good, professional job. After you've delt with all of those you can start experimenting with tricks and other methods.


Well-Known Member
the soil i used was biobizz all mixas that had perlite mixed with it. but it has about 3 - 4 weeks worth of nutes in it is that soil any good. my power plant and my little ones loved it. i will post some update pics when my lights come on in 2 hours


Well-Known Member
here are some update pics do you reckon the buds will get any bigger and how much do you reckon i will getfrom it now? and pics some of the little ones. how do they look so far. i am only giving them water and superphrive every other watering ho long do you reckon untill they show sex.


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
The WW looks like it has some 50-100g wet and the PP some 20-40g wet. Buds double in size in the last 2 weeks, so I'd guess that your WW will have some 150-250g wet and the PP 80-100g wet.

Stop using superthrive after the first 2 weeks of vegging and don't use it during flowering. Superthrive contains auxins. Auxins are plant hormones that stimulate the growth of a root system and top cola growth but inhibit bud formation on secondary stems and even the growth of secondary stems. You will get more yeald if you stop giving them superthrive after the first 2 weeks of veg. Stopping the auxin flow won't slow down the main cola production, but will increase bud production all over the plant. This is actually how supercropping works, it cuts off the flow of auxins.

If your seedlings did not show any nute burn, the soil is ok. Still, more sensitive strains may be affected by the added nutes, so make sure if you'll grow sensitive strains to go with simple potting soil for flowers with no additional nutes.

Your seedlings look very nice. Just a hint, when taking pics, turn off the HPS, it could hide any yellow spots or edges or different tones of green that could be symptoms of problems. Yes structurally they look very good, straight leaves, thick stem. Sex usually shows 1-3 weeks (depending on strain) after 12/12 is set. Since those look like indica dominant plants, in max 2 weeks you'll know the sex.


Active Member
Near the end of vegataive growth You should see pre floweres. Don start the 12/12 flowering photoperiod before you see the pre flowers or youll stress the plant and it could turn in to a hermaphrodite ( female that turns into a male). I recommend Jorge Cervantes '' Marijuana Horticulture Medical Growers Bible '' it covers every thing you need to know about growing pot . Its worth gold trust me!


Well-Known Member
will they not get stressy if i turn light off to take pics. also i will stop using superthrive now then. the little ones are about 3 - 4 weeks old and have been in 12/12 for a week now. the power plant is about 1 or 2 weeks behind the white widow in flowering but hopefully i will get at leat 2 females out of the 7 little 1s then i will be happy.


Well-Known Member
you got any pics of ures so far??. also what cleaning substances can i use to clean my grow tent when my plant are done as i want it nice and clean so no germs are lurking in there for next grow. alsoi think i will go with the alasken ice next grow

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
No, a few seconds of dark won't harm them at all. In nature, clouds can obstruct light for periods of time and this does not affect plants.

AK91 may be right, but I've rarely had a hermie. Maybe because of the early flowering. Even if this is true, I would suppose that early flowering raises the probabilities of hermiing by only few percent, no more than 10%. Still, good info to know, thanks AK91. +rep for the new info.


Well-Known Member
sorry ak91 i didnt see your post... i had to put the little 1s in there as they are as i have no where to put them now but when they all done when i next start from scratch i will leave them in veg untill i see pre flowers


Well-Known Member
doctor that link i posted the other day for that hydroponics kit unused with timer and 400 w hps is it worth buyin for the light and timer and putting it in the tent with the 250w hps or will it be too much light


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of that kit just for the light and timer. i am goin to stick to soil as it seems easier but would i gain much by haveing both lights in my tent or should i just put the 400w in there. also i would sort out the fans so temp would be better

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If you can manage the temps, you should definitely consider more lighting. You could buy that 400w bulb or you could just switch to a 600w bulb, since it will produce more light than a 250w and a 400w combined.


Well-Known Member
cant really afford to buy a 600w at the moment but i was just thinking bout the 400w light and all the other bits as its only £50 and will only cost me about £5 - £10 fuel to go colect it plust it wont be bought online and delivered to my house. id rather not get busted over buying online. the only thing i buy online is soil and nutes. would using these improve growing for my next grow or s it not neccecary

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't buy these pots. They may be professional, light because they're made from plastic and have drainage holes, but I find that 12l is not enough. Go with at least 20l. I remember when I first started, I vent with 10l, and within 2 years I went to 15l, to 20l, to 40l and then to 70l. This is best for me. You need o water once a week or even less and I am sure that I can grow ANY strain with perfect root distribution, from bushy 50cm indicas all the way to 2m sativas.

So what I'm saying is, go with 20l pots, they'll satisfy most all plants under 1,4m.


Well-Known Member
i dont think these girls look 2 happy.i took pic 3 mins before light came on i waters them day before yesterday with a little biobizz flower. is that the cause or is it that they are nearly ready
