How do these look?

look great ! one thing i can tell you! DON"T DO ANY MOLASSES BUL SHIT! Take a look my album see what i did to my plants with this fucking molasses shit.


Well-Known Member
These are my two females, just bagseed dro strains. they are three weeks into flowering, and this is my first grow. I wanted any feedback or comments anyone may have on my progress, and how they look
those are nice and good color keep up the work man
Mine was just like this, i feel so bad and MAD about my miss take with this molasses shit.very nice job you have down so far.what lighting you have?
Mine was just like this, i feel so bad and MAD about my miss take with this molasses shit.very nice job you have down so far.what lighting you have?
Im running 182 watts of CFL bulbs. Mostly running 3000k bulbs, with a few 6000k. seems to be doing the job quite nicely. it seems like its a little slower blooming than others under HID lights, but maybe thats just me
don't worry they be big any juicy! leave it as is if it's growing like this.are you on 12/12?
they are on 13/11. i started them at 12/12 and once they were good into flowering i added the hour to give them that little extra. that wouldnt be hindering their flowering cycle would it?
well look i tell you here guys give so many bull shit advice it's just not real!! if they look happy just leave it on 13/11 i think all grow room is different all plants are different so it is really individual how it grows.I would just let it grow like this the way it's set up many plants you have?
well look i tell you here guys give so many bull shit advice it's just not real!! if they look happy just leave it on 13/11 i think all grow room is different all plants are different so it is really individual how it grows.I would just let it grow like this the way it's set up many plants you have?
that is just two unknown dro strains. i have 6 little veg plants about 3 weeks old around them, Im experimenting with topping. seems to be the way to go for me, so i keep them shorter and fatter. the two big ones were never meant to get that big lol. pushing forty inches!
LOL... i know when mine started for like 3-6 weeks they were like midget and them BUMMMMM in a few days they just get like a big tree)))))


Well-Known Member
using molasses is something that most expert growers do
you prolly just used too much or something but flushing with molasses a couple weeks before harvest is a good thing
yehhh i guess it's for the PROs)))) i really mast up my plants with it)))) shit what can i do??))))This morning one of my most beautiful plant turn out to be a boy so i just trash him.Well this season not to good for me so far