how do u guys keep data on your grows

how do you guys keep data on your diff strains and diff growing methods. and what data do you keep. obvy like plant height and total yield but what else is worth keeping track of. thanks


Well-Known Member
if its a good strain i remember , if its shit i superdooper remember

if its boring then i have to take a stab at it as i dont remember/care , ive forgotten alot over the years

Po boy

Well-Known Member
write it down. it has to be something special like pest treatments. watering and applying nutes becomes automatic: no need to record that.


Well-Known Member
I write down how many i have it what box

then the different amounts of nutes i give in ml

then the days its been since veg/flower started

I measure the height every week or 2 whenever i notice a big enough change

last i write notes about the plant

like discoloration, nute burn, growth pattern, pruning, toping, stretch, training etc...

i only need to do this though when i start with a new for the first few times then iremember it.

and after every chop i take all the notes off site.

no ones gettin my secret recipe haha


Well-Known Member
I treat every plant like its one of a kind and listen to it.. I just learn how to listen with each grow, but as long as I'm learning there is no need to write it down... Save paper.


Active Member
I keep a calendar in the grow room (high times calendar at that)
in which I mark off when I watered, if plants got moved to different rooms, if clones were transplanted/taken ect

I keep a log book for when plants germinated, started flower ect

Also what strains I have and their genetics, How much I yielded on each plant


Well-Known Member
I write down yeild on a paper I throw in a storage tote where all my supplies are. I wright shit on a calander like numbers indicating days or weeks but very randomly and I also tend to write shit down in secret code that I don't know what the fuck it means.... but im not into production thats not my thing I take it easy relax and enjoy it


Well-Known Member
Assuming I were growing anything at all.. I would probably select the Herb.IQ software, developed by one of RIU's own (LuciferX, member since 09')- using TrueCrypt to encrypt the data realtime, to 256 bit AES standard.

Codeplex & sourceforge mirrors are both verified as legitimate, source code when compiled into binary matches executable 100%. Personal examination of the source code shows no issues, anomolies, or anything in the way of anything dangerous - for the techies of the group, binary breakdown is below:

[h=5]ssdeep[/h] 49152:f5VJNg8IEOibgfR05OMqyr3WWCDAGadEzgXi:f5bNpOy58Mqq4vRgS
[h=5]TrID[/h] Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.) (68.8%)
Windows Screen Saver (12.3%)
Win32 Executable Generic (8.0%)
Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (7.1%)
Generic Win/DOS Executable (1.8%)
SubsystemVersion.........: 4.0 InitializedDataSize......: 6656 ImageVersion.............: 0.0 ProductName..............: HERB.IQ FileVersionNumber........: UninitializedDataSize....: 0 LanguageCode.............: Neutral FileFlagsMask............: 0x003f CharacterSet.............: Unicode LinkerVersion............: 8.0 FileOS...................: Win32 MIMEType.................: application/octet-stream Subsystem................: Windows GUI FileVersion..............: TimeStamp................: 2012:02:18 06:35:14+01:00 FileType.................: Win32 EXE PEType...................: PE32 InternalName.............: HERB.IQ.exe ProductVersion...........: FileDescription..........: HERB.IQ OSVersion................: 4.0 OriginalFilename.........: HERB.IQ.exe LegalCopyright...........: MachineType..............: Intel 386 or later, and compatibles CodeSize.................: 2454016 FileSubtype..............: 0 ProductVersionNumber.....: EntryPoint...............: 0x2590de ObjectFileType...........: Executable application AssemblyVersion..........:
product..................: HERB.IQ original name............: HERB.IQ.exe description..............: HERB.IQ file version.............: internal name............: HERB.IQ.exe
[h=5]Portable Executable structural information[/h]
Compilation timedatestamp.....: 2012-02-18 05:35:14 Target machine................: 0x14C (Intel 386 or later processors and compatible processors) Entry point address...........: 0x002590DE PE Sections...................: Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Size Entropy MD5 .text 8192 2453732 2454016 7.87 385cd5dc20ea6bef2b39b67cc8b48f68 .rsrc 2465792 5704 6144 4.58 77a1de86bb24eed02b64e0041b94ea06 .reloc 2473984 12 512 0.10 2f6b384b3fe14257aa2fee7ba6095cbe PE Imports....................: [[mscoree.dll]] _CorExeMain PE Resources..................: Resource type Number of resources RT_ICON 1 RT_GROUP_ICON 1 RT_VERSION 1 RT_MANIFEST 1 Resource language Number of resources NEUTRAL 4
[h=5]Symantec Reputation[/h] Suspicious.Insight
To be fair, the Symantec reputation has nothing to do with the file being dangerous, it's a rating system used by the masses to quickly gauge if something is legitimate in their eyes or not. If there's not enough votes, it will tag it suspicious so there's no surprise.

The original thread that was started for the software in question:


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love Herb IQ. I would be lost without it. I keep a perpetual grow with 20 to 25 plants. I used to write it down but I wanted something more automated. It helps me know when I nuted or watered each plant. I can set a target date for each plant. The home tab is flexible somewhat so I can see at a glance how my girls are doing. I adapted it a little to meet my needs. On the events tab I couldn't figure out what to use the "type" for. So I record the number of days since watering or feeding. I used to keep pictures and record the height but laziness is one of my virtues so I said fuck that shit I got bud to smoke. Anyway keep up the good work LuciferX and the people that developed Herb IQ.


Well-Known Member
I use the Notepad on my ipad for the basics, strains, sprout dates, etc. and a calendar for watering, nutes, spraying, etc. Everything written in my abbreviated code. I'm starting to notice that most of this will not be necessary the more grows i go through. I do need to keep track of when and what I feed and spray.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just use my brain and remember what was when or how. Since I do indoor hydro/aero its pretty must plug and go just checkups on the plants reactions.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
I use windows notepad. It's just a chronological list of notes & events, much like a diary. Herb.IQ is a great program & I'll probably transition to it on the next project. Right now though, I've only got two plants, a few clip-on fans, and one light, so notepad is fine.


each day, i take my index finger and measure the distance from the soil in fingers.

I then record as follows.

1 1/2 finger's from bottom (this was 2 weeks in to veg)

40 fingers from bottom (this was somewhere around week 4 of flower)

Finger measureing is precise and accurate for my book.


Well-Known Member
Measuring tape and measuring increments of inch or cm works real well too and is extraordinarily accurate. Nah but fingers work fine as a reference of size lol I'm just bustin balls bro not everyone may have a measuring tape.