How Do Vegans Feel About Animals That Eat Other Animals?


Well-Known Member
if vegans see an animal eat another animal they just blast em with some awesome D notes on the bass. . ."No vegan diet, NOT VEGAN POWERS!!"


Well-Known Member
hahahahahah free range CHICKEN its just marketing.

that's just a bunch of chickens in one large cage verse individuality caging them.

Free Range

Not Free range

i dont like to eeat any animal that is raised on feed that is not natural to it. so a cow should be eating grass, not grain. kobe is grain fed (grain = unheathy fat + more calories). i also don't like to eat caged animals because they didn't live naturally. i only eat free range chicken and cage free eggs. i know it tastes the same (for the most part) but i don't want to put money into an industry that i think is bringin the quality of the food (and health) in the US down. grass grazed cows are much ebtter for you and contain healthy fats and antioxidants that are not found in grain-fed animals. I feel better about eating an animal that lived on a field than one that lived and died on a feedlot. it is bad karma, bad quality, bad for your health and bad for the environment. i feel better about eating meat that came from an animal that lived a decent life.

the reason the majority of beef is not grass fed is because corn is addictive and fattens up the cows in half the time. it's all about the allmighty dollar. Younger, fatter, sicker animals on the grocery store shelves. pretty sad.


Well-Known Member
lions cant eat grass and human ancestors at first were vegetarian then we gained the ability to hunt and started eating meat

Actually humans began life as scavenger stealing the scraps when the predators where done eating. They learned later they could eat root, nuts, berries ect, but they never stopped eating meat..

Human brain development is related to the increase in omega fatty acid found with meats. So your ancestors ate enough meat to let you be stupid enough to say they were vegetarians on cyberspace.


Well-Known Member
The important thing here is to remember that animals are exactly like you an me..
I know. They kill and eat other animals. It's the natural order of things. Trophic level and all that.

and we should learn how to live in harmony instead of slaving and killing them
They'd enslave and kill you if they found you tasty and were bright enough to pull it off.


Well-Known Member
if vegans see an animal eat another animal they just blast em with some awesome D notes on the bass. . ."No vegan diet, NOT VEGAN POWERS!!"
It's been a bad day, and reading this right here is by far the best thing that's happened to me today. I salute you, Sir.


Well-Known Member
Actually humans began life as scavenger stealing the scraps when the predators where done eating. They learned later they could eat root, nuts, berries ect, but they never stopped eating meat..

Human brain development is related to the increase in omega fatty acid found with meats. So your ancestors ate enough meat to let you be stupid enough to say they were vegetarians on cyberspace.

Our ancestors lived in trees.

The brain did not begin enlarging until after said ancestors left the trees and started walking around on two legs about 200 million years ago.

The consumption of meat did not occur in our ancestors until about 2 million years ago, consistent with the discovery of fire.


Well-Known Member
well that your talking about chimps.

Really so why is a fact that our ancestors start eating meat 2.5 million years ago. some one needs to cross reference his wiki search

because they would hide in a tree and steal scraps and run back up the tree.

even better

"Our ancestors were carving meat some 800,000 years earlier than previously thought. Marks on fossilised animal bones found in Ethiopia indicate that early-human butchers were using stone tools as early as 3.4 million years ago.


Well-Known Member
Really so why is a fact that our ancestors start eating meat 2.5 million years ago. some one needs to cross reference his wiki search

because they would hide in a tree and steal scraps and run back up the tree.

even better

"Our ancestors were carving meat some 800,000 years earlier than previously thought. Marks on fossilised animal bones found in Ethiopia indicate that early-human butchers were using stone tools as early as 3.4 million years ago.
Actually I was going on previously held knowledge based on well-established paleontology.

Even if what you say is true, a discrepancy of 500,000 to 1.4 million years is insignificant because the brains began developing 200 MIILION years ago. When our ancestors left the trees and started walking around on two legs.

Our ancestors needed the fire to cook the meat so it would not kill them.

Just like now. :-P


Well-Known Member
Actually I was going on previously held knowledge based on well-established paleontology.

Even if what you say is true, a discrepancy of 500,000 to 1.4 million years is insignificant because the brains began developing 200 MIILION years ago. When our ancestors left the trees and started walking around on two legs.

Our ancestors needed the fire to cook the meat so it would not kill them.

Just like now. :-P
ha. so you believe our ancestors where around with dinosaurs.

the earliest hominid evolved 4-5 million years ago

and was called "Ardipithicus ramidus"

and he certainly ate meat



Well-Known Member
so i shouldn't be eating this steak raw?

oh, shit :shock:
Do it at your own risk.

Our systems have evolved to tolerate meat, so it's a gamble if you choose to eat it raw.

And anyone who thinks their big brains depend on meat should consider MY big brain, which has not benefited from the magical qualities of meat in over 15 years.

I consider my diet choice the same as when I discovered cannabis. Both decisions opened up entire new ways of thinking about the world I could have never considered otherwise.

Enjoy your diseased and decaying animal flesh.

ha. so you believe our ancestors where around with dinosaurs.
Perhaps you should update your definition of ancestors.

the earliest hominid evolved 4-5 million years ago

and was called "Ardipithicus ramidus"

and he certainly ate meat

See that tree back in the back there about 200 million years?

Those are our ancestors, too. :-P

Are you absolutely sure Ardipithicus ramidus "certainly" ate meat as a primary means of nutrition, and was not primarily a forager/gatherer?

Wear patterns on dental remains indicate Ardipithecus ramidus was omnivorous, eating a broad range of foods, but that it did not eat many items that were fibrous, hard, or abrasive (Teaford and Ungar 2000). However, since stone tools (and fire) were still far in the future, meat could not have been consumed with any regularity.
Are you even sure he was our ancestor and not the chimpanzee's?

Because the experts are not.

Because Ardipithecus ramidus shares certain characteristics with apes, some experts think it's an ancestor of chimpanzees instead of humans. A growing consensus, however, seems to consider it close to a common ancestor of both apes and humans since its teeth are intermediate between those of earlier apes and Australopithecus afarensis.

Evolution takes a long time, and discoveries change our preconceptions all the time.

But nothing you have showed has proved my original statement incorrect.

You better get back to Wiki on that, huh?


Well-Known Member
I was talking about what we call a hominid. but if you want to get technical then the we are related to every species that ever lived including plants .


Active Member
Actually humans began life as scavenger stealing the scraps when the predators where done eating. They learned later they could eat root, nuts, berries ect, but they never stopped eating meat..

Human brain development is related to the increase in omega fatty acid found with meats. So your ancestors ate enough meat to let you be stupid enough to say they were vegetarians on cyberspace.
ok your right, but our early ancestors diet definitely consisted mostly of plants. they might have been able to scavenge but until they learned to hunt meat couldnt have been very important in thier diet. however whatever amount they were able to scavenge must have helped their brain size increase which allowed them to hunt

Our ancestors needed the fire to cook the meat so it would not kill them.

Just like now. :-P
i doubt australopithecines needed to cook meat before eating it. humans today have are more vulnerable to diseases and things which is why we have to cook meat

Do it at your own risk.

And anyone who thinks their big brains depend on meat should consider MY big brain, which has not benefited from the magical qualities of meat in over 15 years.

^maybe your "big brain" doesnt need meat, but meat is what allowed you to have it.

Enjoy your diseased and decaying animal flesh.

your clearly on your high horse and need to be smacked in the head with a blood soaked cow leg