you'll need:
Baking flour
Gel caps from organic food store..
And some other type of small air tight container to store the gel caps in..perhaps double bagging ziplock bags.
Shake pollen on to a piece glass..
Take a little bit of baking flour..1/4 teaspoon or so and put it in the microwave for 20'seconds (just the flour)

to dry out
Let the flour cool..5 min.
Mix flour with pollen you have collected on mirror..10 parts flour to 1 part pollen..
Use razor blade or something sharp and flat to scrape pollen into pile...
Put pollen in gel caps , gel caps in 2nd air tight storage, and store for up to a year in freezer...put at bottom if you have to as you dont want temp fluctuations.
When using pollen..remove from freezer and thaw for a few hours first...paint pollen on mature pistils of female cannabis plants with childs paint brush or Qtip..Once you have removed pollen from freezer you have your one shot..you don't want to try to refreeze..Hemce you make multiple gel caps..
Good luck