How do you collect and store pollen?


Active Member
For future use want to collect and store pollen from a male just started to show sacs before I kill it. After a month in veg it flipped accidentally after a power failure . Don't know if I have to grow it out more in separate room and how to store pollen at what temp and how long is it viable.
Thanks in advance.
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you'll need:
Baking flour
Gel caps from organic food store..
And some other type of small air tight container to store the gel caps in..perhaps double bagging ziplock bags.

Shake pollen on to a piece glass..
Take a little bit of baking flour..1/4 teaspoon or so and put it in the microwave for 20'seconds (just the flour) :) to dry out
Let the flour cool..5 min.
Mix flour with pollen you have collected on mirror..10 parts flour to 1 part pollen..
Use razor blade or something sharp and flat to scrape pollen into pile...
Put pollen in gel caps , gel caps in 2nd air tight storage, and store for up to a year in freezer...put at bottom if you have to as you dont want temp fluctuations.
When using pollen..remove from freezer and thaw for a few hours first...paint pollen on mature pistils of female cannabis plants with childs paint brush or Qtip..Once you have removed pollen from freezer you have your one don't want to try to refreeze..Hemce you make multiple gel caps..

Good luck
Yeah it works well..
I actually put the gel caps in test tubes once they're completed..with runber stoppers
Thanks, Also courious if I can save the pollen sacks only for use in a couple of months to pollinate just one female when blooms leaving the other females for Bud.
Wait till they're starting to open so you know the pollen is mature..just make sure you keep them away from other plants you don't intend to pollenate.

You should be able to tap the balls lightly and watch the pollen fall on to the flat surface
I'm kind of ghetto but it works. Store in airtight container in the freezer. I use a small test tube with an airtight cap. If I'm storing for any length of time I'll put a few desiccant balls in with it and then that goes into another airtight container with a bunch of desiccant packs and into the chest freezer in the garage. But I usually use mine right away or within a couple of weeks so I just usually keep it in a test tube in a drawer.



Nice add you backing flour and split up in 5 or 6 caps for 5 or six poloinationts you only have to paints a small bud ever a top bud let the polenate sit on pistils then spray down with water after word to kill excess pollen only pollinating the bud area u want the water kills the rest
Here's how I did it - I have an unusually bushy, wonderful-smelling boy (CropKing Afghani) in the backyard. Every day now more pollen sacks are popping open and I pick them off with sanitized tweezers and into a clean little plastic cup (the ones that come with a bottle of Nyquil).
Back inside at my workbench, I pick up individual pollen sacks and tap on them to make the pollen fall out into a little pile on plastic wrap.

I immediately put my little package in the fridge. Would the freezer be better?
This will be my first time storing pollen. In the past I always pollinated girls right away.
I immediately put my little package in the fridge. Would the freezer be better?

Doesn't really matter. I keep my pollen in my seed collection bin in my basement (52F in winter, 63F in summer). I've used pollen stored in that manner (it was mixed with flour as previously mentioned) more than a year later successfully. Earlier this year I did some tests with pollen I had stored for 5+ years, but it didn't appear to be viable at all.

I store my pollen/flour mixture in black 35mm film canisters.
Have you ever tried to put the ppollen from mutiple strain at one plant think you would get any different breeds from that or because it never dawned on me
Also what do you think about the fact the way they make Feminized pollen to produce fem seeds they spray colloidal silver on the plant force one branch to herm and pollinate its self .... (rest of plant or others in room if you want but u gotta grow the herm arm out use pollen sacs from that herm that is essentially take ing a foced female and a female to make seeds so a male plus a femlae is its a regular seed its not fem 50 50 male female ....hermie usually happens some where along the veg line i belive early on its life .... an enviornment stressor can cause it try and most of the seeds SHOULD BE same gos like grow a few inches then everything dies 90 % female or i hqve grown maybe 100 plants now i have had may be maybe 10 males i have had 10 gorrilla glues all die at 2 inches everyone ibdropped 3 at a time last tine i dropped 4 all died i threw rest of seeds out i wi ...grew tap root fast and just withered up ....i have some plants called recon from an oz of treees i bought because it was chock fulll of seeds i even bought another half all chock full i still got liken 300 seeds left grow at least 25 of them...some of the best weed i have evebr grown and there the same juiciey female every time mayybe the seeds werte grown with immiture pollen didnt get all the chromesomes lol but infind most seeds follow the same track from same weed thats my opinion tho i just never had all hermmies go back grow some. More and more hermies pop out thats not how my experience has been ....inconsistant night to day amd in connsistent light hours ((ur timer may be flunking science )) just some things i have found as a early grower before i found leds and before i had my stand up ac with a tube exhust put on dehume mode and it constantly runs try and keep day and night consistant if your gettting down to 50s at night and mid 80s in day thats a big swing not to favorable for bud growing ...and 8 hermmied in the stone aage
Mix 2:1 cornstarch to pollen
Definitely, I heard that you want to "dry" the cornstarch or flour before putting it with the pollen. Is that something you do? I have no personal experience with that method but they say your pollen goes a lot further because otherwise you are over pollinating with straight pollen.