how do you collect resin?


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering how everybody collects there bong etc. resin?

share... best with vids etc.

i kinda just figured out my own way since nobodys ever told me how 1 does it ^^


Well-Known Member
most of us don't save our used resin............ but I don't think there really is a universal way to scrape and collect resin, just whatever works......


Well-Known Member
ewww, thats nasty.

id have no idea as ive never thought of smoking it. i didnt think any1 did until this post.

heard about collecting resin from a plant but never the dirty bong stuff.

would u drink bong water for diluting ur juice.


Well-Known Member
Towelie is dry...... ^^
bone dry, already scraped my bong... twice :cry:

god why cant it be friday yet, and why am i so broke :(

and for all you people who say resin tastes crappy... yes it does, but it gets my nice and high so thats a small price to pay.

would u drink bong water for diluting ur juice.
no i would NEVER drink the bongwater, I almost have to puke just smelling that shit (unless i had PROOF that it gets me high :D, and even then only fresh bongwater)


Well-Known Member
nuthing fresh about bong water man, thats all peoples spit and shit in there. it makes me puke smelling that shit too, but thinking of all the drool that in there for days makes me gag right away like now....

P.S. there is nuthing in fresh bong water anyways, its gota be brown as fuck. yes you can get high off it. that don't mean i'd do it though. I'd rather ask for a cuff than do that.


Well-Known Member
yea uh smoking resin sucks!!! Thank god I dont have to do that anymore and I hope I never have to again! as far as collecting it, scrape and scrape and scrape... keep some advil handy for the headache!


Active Member
hey man lot of people on other forums scrape but i have proof that in a bong the res is almost pure thc ok here goes look at your bong it should be clean up until the fill line beyond that where there is no water probably has res well scince everything beyond that point has passed through the water and thc doens disovle in water and carsonegins do everyting past the water that builds up it thc


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering how everybody collects there bong etc. resin?

share... best with vids etc.

i kinda just figured out my own way since nobodys ever told me how 1 does it ^^
Anyone who's "too good", when you're dry, like I am right now, how about gettin' your high an' mighty ass over here and helping me smoke somma that shit to my head?? Mkay?

I have a technique, refined over the years to eliminate the use of rolling papers. The thing you've GOT to remember with good, sticky resin is that you can NOT heat it up too much or it carbonizes. You want to gently warm it just enough to scrape it (I use a jeweler's screwdriver and an artist's knife). That little ball goes onto a screen, that goes into the pipe, that gets VERY gently warmed, just til it bubbles! Toke, toke. :| Gives a high, but it's not exactly what I'm looking for. At this very moment, I am smoking balls. Immature pollen sacs, and I'm actually getting a buzz. :lol: :| (not great, not "high", but... (shrug) )


Well-Known Member
bone dry, already scraped my bong... twice :cry:

god why cant it be friday yet, and why am i so broke :(

and for all you people who say resin tastes crappy... yes it does, but it gets my nice and high so thats a small price to pay.

no i would NEVER drink the bongwater, I almost have to puke just smelling that shit (unless i had PROOF that it gets me high :D, and even then only fresh bongwater)
And here we have a woman who has money (not a lot), but can't find even a fucking JOINT in this county! :evil:


Well-Known Member
you live in cali and there isn't any weed..... damn that really sucks
The county. DEA has been BIZZY the past several days, starting last week. Saturday morning I spent over 20 minutes watching a small, unmarked aircraft work its way from downcountry up. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, in these perfect lines. One of my husband's techs was doing some work at the local airport and saw DEA agents loading up some planes with cameras earlier in the week. Sunday, another plane flying a pattern. I'm familiar with how civvies fly, they do NOT fly sweeps like that, EVER. They circle, they go in odd shapes, they see something then wanna take a look at it from a different angle, then they fly off. Or they just pass overhead. This was no civilian flown aircraft. :evil:

So, what's the outcome for someone such as myself who has ONE connection within a reasonable distance from home?


Well-Known Member
The county. DEA has been BIZZY the past several days, starting last week. Saturday morning I spent over 20 minutes watching a small, unmarked aircraft work its way from downcountry up. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, in these perfect lines. One of my husband's techs was doing some work at the local airport and saw DEA agents loading up some planes with cameras earlier in the week. Sunday, another plane flying a pattern. I'm familiar with how civvies fly, they do NOT fly sweeps like that, EVER. They circle, they go in odd shapes, they see something then wanna take a look at it from a different angle, then they fly off. Or they just pass overhead. This was no civilian flown aircraft. :evil:

So, what's the outcome for someone such as myself who has ONE connection within a reasonable distance from home?
damn a couple of weeks ago there was a black helicopter making sweeps through my city it went right over my house like 3 times I went out and flipped it off haha ...... here comes fdd with the helicopter guy video.


Well-Known Member
I stood there in the driveway just CURSING them, and I flipped them off but I didn't want the neighbors to think I was completely insane. :lol:


Well-Known Member
i scrape it but i wait till it gets real dark so i pipe clean it and its perfect for when you run outta weed