I often lurk and read on this website about marijuana related issues. Rarely do I feel enticed to post, and usually when I do the topic is 1-2 years old so I dont bother. But wow, the ignorance and hypocritical behavior of a few members on here is absolutely disgusting. I have been coming here for years and never have I seen such blatant, rude, pious and bigoted attitudes - especially not so proudly on display. Wolfhound, you are NOT better than this person just because of your age! It seems you may have smoked all your common decency away, and now you sit in a basement smoking all day, talking to people online about how they dont deserve medical marijuana. Yet you use medical marijuana and want it legalized? How can you be so blatantly hypocritical?
Why does his age have anything to do with it? Illnesses that affect your day-to-day well being can occur at ANY age. There are 12 year olds on cannabis and it lets them enjoy what little time they had left on this earth. Are you going to tell the father of the 2 year old who had a brain tumor that he should just let his baby die, instead of giving him a substance KNOWN to kill cancer cells? That baby was given a week to live by doctors. It is now 3 years old and cancer free though he has a 50-80% chance of it returning. That risk would be mitigated with continued marijuana use.
How about the mother of the 6 year old who had life-threatening seizures that were calmed with marijuana? You going to tell her she is a bad parent and she should let her kid die instead of taking marijuana? What kind of backwards logic are you using here? I could go on and on with examples of children's lives being saved by medical marijuana...
Or how about the teenager who has no diseases, doesnt like drinking, but enjoys an occasional smoke to relax. Do you Wolfhound really feel you are in the position to tell him he does not deserve to have that? That he can not have that, because its illegal? That such a person should not get a medical card, because they want to use it recreationally? How about the disease here is a felony on your record which prevents you from getting any decent job in the future - how about we look at that as the disease, and a medical marijuana card prevents that.
I can guarantee you, from personal experience, the majority of people with cards are recreational users, no more no less. And a huge majority of people who WOULD benefit from medical marijuana, dont get a card because of the stigma associated with it by people such as yourself and other ignorant folks in this thread. Marijuana is at the VERY LEAST, harmless - at the MOST, extremely beneficial. Why do YOU feel you have any position to tell him he does not deserve a medical marijauna card? Did you write Prop 203? Are you a physician in the area who has seen him in person and diagnosed him? If a physician decides he has a debilitating disease and that medical marijauna would help, thats the end of it. Your opinion is irrelevant and your attitude is completely insulting.
I find it hard to believe you talk down to these kids because of their age, considering you seem to have the attitude of a self-entitled 16 year old. If you have really been wanting it to be legal since the 60s, I will assume one of two things:
1) You smoked marijuana recreationally before it was legalized in any way. This would make you a hypocrite to an absolutely disgusting degree. If this is the case then you are basically telling him "I had to risk my well being by smoking it when it was illegal, and despite the fact there are legal ways now, YOU should also have to risk it"
2) You didnt smoke marijuana when you were younger because it was illegal, and now you are bitter about it, and want other people to have to wait until they are your age to enjoy smoking this medicinal herb. If this is the case then that is absolutely childish and completely ridiculous.
Also, drug prohibition was really only enforced starting in the early '70s, so if you were waiting around from the '60s for it to be legalized then I dont even know what to say.
Thats like saying in 1925 that you have been waiting since 1900 for alcohol to be legalized. (Alcohol prohibition was 1920-1933).
Wolfhound, the problem here is YOU not him. We are looking at it as MEDICINE. You are looking at it strictly as a recreational drug. Whether or not we have predisposed illnesses should be irrelevant, marijuana is a preventative medicine that prevents the forming of cancer cells. There should be NO MORE discussion after that.
Why do some people feel they deserve medical marijuana more than others?
How can someone support legalization, but be against getting a medical card for recreational use?
Pixi I dont need to read any more posts of yours. By your retort there, it is clear you are some rude and insulting know-it-all. Would you like some sugar for that high horse of yours? I saw you tell someone to get over themselves. Please, take your own advice. You are not better than anyone else.
I hate seeing this rude attitude on these forums. Rollitup used to just be 90% "Yeah man, totally, yeah, totally do it lol yeah thatll be so coooool man haha yeah" and 10% useful information.
Now I am afraid it is 50% typical stoner posts, 40% rude idiots shoving their opinion up other people's assholes, and 10% genuinely helpful advice.
Another question - Why is the MOST HELPFUL POST in this thread from a spambot with ONE POST?
Doesn't that say something about the forum?
How about instead of asserting your opinion into places it was not asked, you instead just answer the kid's question. He asked how to get a medical marijuana card and listed off a few illnesses that 100% QUALIFY HIM. Then you bozos go and tell him nah you dont qualify you just want to get high you dont deserve your medical card this shit and that shit etc etc.
Seriously, grow up. Answer the kid's question, stop shoving your opinions in places they do not belong. You have a problem with the medical marijuana framework, take it up with the AZDHS who enforce the bill and maintain it. THIS is no place for childish, insulting remarks which are AGAINST medical marijauna use. THIS is a MARIJUANA forum. If you do NOT like marijuana, go somewhere else and take your asshole attitude with you. Leave your medical marijuana grade cannabis at the door.
MedicalSwag, your conditions do qualify, they even qualified before the amended list of conditions.
plantmagic, you were very helpful and relevant, thank you for keeping it fact and not opinion-based.
apothecarist, helpful, spot-on with answering is question. Good on you.
Jogro, you get it man - at least more than most the people in here
Beaverhunter, helpful post - we need more of that around here
Blazablaze, thank you VERY MUCH for being the first to stand up in defense of this poor kid! Kind of pathetic having these elderly bullies picking on this kid...
phxfire, good advice all around - though I wouldnt be afraid of cops reading a forum and trying to backtrack it to you to revoke your card. They have better things to do
john malocolm - you REALLY seem to get it, I think the most of anyone in here. At the very least, MMJ is safer than prescribed pills which are JUST AS EASILY OBTAINABLE in a legal fashion. huge +1 to you my friend
pdude, good post - you are absolutely right that we are free individuals and anyone, be it the government or wolfhound, telling us what we cant put in our bodies - is a joke!
str8sativa, another good post, right on the money
The rest of you, learn to be decent human beings. Learn to answer the question posed instead of trying to frame it in a way that you can insult or berate them. His first post paraphrased: "I am looking to get a medical marijuana card because I have several conditions that I know from personal experience that medical marijuana helps with" - why you guys think you can assume he just wants to get high, based off that, is beyond me. Answer the questions, dont shove your opinions in other people's face. It is rude, and it is not what this forum is about. I guarantee I have been on this forum, active or not, longer than any of you and I have NEVER seen such immature, childish posts. And those posts are from people who claim to be 50+ years old. Grow up, and act your age. There is no room in this world for people as self-absorbed as yourselves.
Pixi the way you talk down to people, "you are a dumbass kid" "get some prevacid" "get over yourself"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] "you make me laugh little boy" "whiny cry baby" "rock on little buckaroo" ...its absolutely disgusting and childish. I think you have an superiority complex, and it is thinly veiled. I will reiterate one more time: You are not better than anyone else for any reason. I think you are insecure, and you lash out at people online to try to feel better about yourself. Please, grow up. This is no place for that kind of behaviour.
Sorry for the long post everyone, this thread just absolutely DISGUSTED ME! Like I said I have been going to this forum for years and years and never before have I seen such childish, rude remarks. It amazes me this behavior is allowed on a marijuana forum. I used to dismiss rollitup as mostly completely braindead stoners just going "yeah man good weed yeah bongs 420 lol" but I would rather have that then what I see here. And whats worse, you all live in my state? Good god. [/FONT]