how do you get bigger caps and less stem when shroomin'?


Well-Known Member
I believe it's strain specific and based on genetics. Letting it go longer will produce a bigger cap, but typically I pick when they are smaller.


Active Member
thanks swim is about to see b+ in action. once they pin rumor says just 3-5 days, but how long does pinning take after a dunk and roll?


Well-Known Member
A steady application of light will keep the stems as small as they would geneticaly be but SSHZ has it, mostly it is genetics - The asians tend to be more squat - but why do you want less stem and more cap? esthetics? or has someone convinced you that the caps are more potent than the stems?


Active Member
Genetics man.. If you clone a shroom that has a big cap the mush grown from that clone will have the same genetics.

have been told caps are more potent, but seen stems do the trick, dont really know
IMO when it comes to cubes, its all the same. Stems, caps..


Well-Known Member
have been told caps are more potent, but seen stems do the trick, dont really know

Men are funny creatures - they absolutely HAVE too weigh one thing against another, they must figure which is more potent and then act on that. What is the best? a is "better" then b, if you freeze it with dry ice it becomes "better". The rocks are stronger than the duff. This is 101 proof maaan.

I believe I read a believable report stating that caps - when the fruit is very young are a few percentage points stronger than the stems gram for dried gram.

but we are talking about tiny fractions. A cap may have 1.01 mg of your active ingredient where a stem might have .99 mg. Considering a highly active dose is 15 mg, what, exactly are you looking to achieve in getting an additional few micrograms? Especially in the case where you are trying to change the ratio of cap to stem - all you have to do is grow, like, two more mushrooms and you have gotten all of the difference between the potency of the stem and the cap.


Well-Known Member
About a month or so I had some pic's up on my recent B+ grow........I managed 3 flushes, but the 1st was easily the best. 3-5 days after some pins start is about right, but it depends on how closely you have temps and humidity dialed in. B+ is very forgiving, so be patient and let them do their thing. Regarding potency and shroom part, this will be debated until the cows come home- and leave again. Who cares, really- just eat a piece of each and let your worries melt away. LOL


Well-Known Member
Same answer as previously stated.........with my recent B+ grow, I bought EXTRA large bags of medium and let them sit 6 months- yup, just left them and forgot about them- then brought them out in the light 12 hours a day, around 73 degrees 24/7. Mine started pinning- I think it was 5-6 weeks for me. I know they do best at 75 degrees. Everyone gets different results- it's always different for me. Temps, humidity, temp and humidity fluctuations, grow style, kind of lighting, how much lighting, strain, karma- these all have an impact at each stage of mushrooming. It's hard to screw up this strain- it's so flexible. Time frames are often longer then expected but it just makes it all more worth it.