How do you grow shrooms???

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Really? there are literally 5 threads on the main page...all of which include the type of tech in the title.... I suggest you ask that same question to google and kick over a few rocks on your own..


Well-Known Member
i grow mine in a DIY mycology tent....on the bibles the nice people give me on the weekends when they knock on my door.

i might try shiitake this year.


Active Member
I wanted to ask this same question myself earlier today. So I searched the site. That led to more searches and some via google. This inevitably led to more googling and then to an awesome amount of info. Imagine that.

Hint - Google PF Tek

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Reading through the posts of this person, they are either a cop or a child. Either way, they are extremely naive.

I'd suggest being careful before ever encouraging someone who asks lazy ass questions like this. Honestly, if they cannot figure out google but can figure out how to start a new thread you need to be questioning.

Who would ask about Med Cards? Who would claim to have plants but never post pictures of them? Who would ask a question like this when the information is already available?

I mean, really. It is either a kid or a cop, and neither need our attention here fella's. You don't need to post in every thread. Try to be more discerning in the future.


Active Member
lol i am not a cop nor a kid. i was just asking a question because this thread is for "Hallucinatory Substances" I mean nothing wrong by asking a question. Okay i know now to ask "google" next time. Oh if i was a cop why would i ask these q's wouldn't a cop know to ask google. lmfao