How do you guerillas discreetly mark plants for type and location?


Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first outdoor grow. I have 16 in the ground scattered throughout my plot. I tried using a GPS app on my phone but it didnt turn out as well as I hoped. I need to label and mark where all my plants are but do it discreetly since its my moms property. I dont need her walking around and spotting them. How do you guys do it? So far I have sticks set up but I feel when I put the rest(~20) out, I wont remember where they all are.


Well-Known Member
I make a hand drawn map of where the plants are and also the name. mark out objects like big trees or other objects that can help you find your plants too. Also 1 last tip is to mark north south east and west because when your in the middle of nowhere and looking at a piece of paper with circles and names it's easy to flip the map in the wrong direction.


Well-Known Member
plan it... map it... then scratch it... like ("marks obvious to you... but not to anyone else)...

so dont go and make "marks", like make huge carvings on a row of trees with a huge pot leaf with an arrow indicating direction either... LOL ;)

but in all seriousness something as simple as a symbol that "has random symmetry" to everyone else... but to you... you know EXACTLY what it means... ;)


Well-Known Member
I shall try these out. I got crazy and spread them all willy nilly to make it look inconspicuos. My mom likes to walk in the woods but hopefully shes too fat to get across the creek where these are lol.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Using a GPS might work...then again it might work for people that find it, steal it or confiscate it from you. Good luck.


Active Member
i had the same problem last year. i went to a wooded area, walked so far into it and realized i would never find this spot again once i left. i had a printed map of my area from google earth and tried to get to a field that is blocked by a swamp on 1 side and a forest on the other. u lose all sense of direction so a compass is needed, i never found that field lol.

just dont leave any trails for ur mom to follow.


Well-Known Member
theres deer trails on the other side and I use a runoff spot on the side of the creek to get up. I'm pretty confident she wont make it over there since its a steep hill. I even have trouble. I have ditched the GPS idea, I'm gonna go with natural markers and popsicle sticks for strand markers. After putting 16 out, I need to scope out a different location for the others I have so it doesnt stink too much and look obvious