How do you keep the cat from eating all your plants?


Well-Known Member
I am out of ideas. Next escalation is cruel and unusual. Can't go there. Must be legal, ethical and humane. Thanks for the help.
Get a tent? create some other kind of barrier that keeps the cat from getting to them when you're not around?
Have to keep the cat. My kids. 10 years with us. Great except his addiction. And didn't have room for the catnip bush this year. That probably started this whole fresh greens thing in the first place.
I fight the same issue. When i open the tent up my cat loves to jump inside and get tangled in cords and branches. Been bit a few times trying to snag him out of there. Little bastard!

I've watched his fat ass squeeze through one of the exhaust holes at the bottom of the tent.

Good luck to you.
I fight the same issue. When i open the tent up my cat loves to jump inside and get tangled in cords and branches. Been bit a few times trying to snag him out of there. Little bastard!

I've watched his fat ass squeeze through one of the exhaust holes at the bottom of the tent.

Good luck to you.
The tent is safe. Bottom openings have metal mesh on filters. It's the starters that have no home yet. Woke to find my 5 node seedling missing half it's leaves 3 feet from me while it was wrapped in a towel on the shelf frame.
Gutted mate. I thought I may have the same issue but my cat looks at the tent like he does the hoover due to the noise from fans. I need to be careful when watering however as I left the room today with 3 litres of water mixed with nutes sitting on the floor and my cat had got a lot closer by the time I was back in the room.
Growing is the easy part. It's the cat wrangling part I can't master.
Cats love marijuana. I’ve fought it my entire growing life. I love our cat’s but they’re difficult to handle around pot. I grow in a closet with the door open during lights on, and I use a baby gate that works well. You’d think the jumping little bastards would jump over it, but they don’t. I also turn the gate on it’s end so it’s taller.
Cats love marijuana. I’ve fought it my entire growing life. I love our cat’s but they’re difficult to handle around pot.i grow in a closet with the door open during lights on, and I use a baby gate that works well. You’d think the jumping little bastards would jump over it, but they don’t.
Not unusual. But mine easily clears the top of the fridge from the floor.
Chuckle too funny...
My cat and I had the same routine..I'd inspect my plants every morning and he would come down and chew on a few fan leaves..the routine was like clock work. I didnt mind..I'd just turn the plant to position some leaves in his direction..

I think the best suggestions are containment of plant..keep kitty out (if possible) AND..give kitty their own options to chew on...grow a couple bowls of cat grass and give them that outlet to chew...thus making your project a little less desireable to them..
Its like a scratching dont give them an option, say bye to your couch..
I am out of ideas. Next escalation is cruel and unusual. Can't go there. Must be legal, ethical and humane. Thanks for the help.
Release some mice or something to keep him busy. Maybe one of those Christmas lights that is all lasers on a wall?