how do you keep your stock going? Clones? seeds?


Active Member
So how do you guys keep your supply going?

Do you use clones or do you pollenate seeds?

Or do you keep paying for new seeds?


Well-Known Member
All of the above, the important thing is to obtain a killer strain that you know will produce, then clone it. Then start looking for the next one!


Well-Known Member
No you can not clone autos. They mature by age and not photoperiod, so even clones taken will have aged in progression with the mother.

Yes you can seed them.


Well-Known Member
But i keep a veg room with a good supply of plants/clones/mothers and i'm allways looking for the best. right now i have LambsBreaD, AK-47, Banana Kush, Sour Bubble, and a few others. The LambsBread and AK were given by someone i know has Top notch gentics, the sour bubble i got form Mr. and MRs Bog Them selves, ann the Banana is a bag of seeds i've aquired and they have put out some killer plants. Eventually when i get more room i'm going to look into breeding but it takes a seperate area in my opnion.


Active Member
yeah thought that was the case... Well I'm growing outdoors so the only option I have is auto's

Although I am building a grow room as we speak.