How do **YOU** rate weed?


Sector 5 Moderator
How do you rate weed? There is no Rockwell, no Mohs, and no Richter scale for our beloved plant. I know weed is judged on 4 things: appearance, taste, smell, and how well it works. Personally, I like nice looking weed, nice smelling weed, and good tasting weed, but the bottom line is how well it works. I've smoked Acapulco gold and Matanuska Thunderfuck and both are true one hit quitters; five hits and you're seeing God. And I've smoked Colombian and Jamaican that were amazing - 2-3 hits and you're flying. I've smoked Mexican dirt weed (cough cough) that got you high but not the best high. But enough about me. How do you rate "schwag" "Midi" and "Kind". I propose that it's based on how many hits it takes to get you fucked up. What's your take?


Active Member
High, Smell, Taste, then looks.. Ive smoked some plain lookin mary jane that stanks and gets you ripped ^^, also you just gotta love dank smelling bud


Well-Known Member
Flavor. If it makes me feel good, then that's just a bonus. I have smoked crappy looking weed that smoked awesome and I've had amazing looking weed with no taste or effect. It's the flavor that keeps me coming back.


Well-Known Member
Ive smoked the best smelling, chronic looking bud that didnt get me high at all..

Its all about the "High"

I never judge a book by its cover.


For me, its about tolerance buildup. I seem to develop a tolerance to weed faster than most people I smoke with. Sometimes I'll get a bag of weed that is awesome and has me soaring, but by the third time I smoke it I barely get high and don't feel anything an hour later. I've also had weed that, at first smoke, wasn't all that awesome, but continued to get me high after smoking it for a week or so. I would rather the latter.