Well-Known Member
I swear my nicotine addiction is way worse than my weed one.Many reasons.
1. Its just the cultural method
2. Weed is expensive in the UK, and quite often tiny bags, and mediocre quality
3. A lot of smokers I know including myself find we actually prefer the taste and the high from the mix.
Personally, I can't stand joints, I like spliffs. I spent 100 odd on a roof bong, bought one of fdds pipes, bought a volcano, I never use them, nothing is as pleasurable as a spliffeven before I was a tobacco smoker. I'll take a spliff over a joint any day of the week
little joint, bong, pipe, I find it like drinking shots. I very much prefer the drawn out practice if smoking a big spliff. To me the pleasure of the smoke is almost more important than the high.
The downside is that it does often lead to an addiction to nicotine as a side effect, so long as you have a steady supply of weed it fine, but when you are forced to stop, well for me, I suddenly found cigarettes rather appealing.
Decided to have a weed/booze free Jan and I feel ok but i can't seem to quit smoking or coffee. Made an honest attempt but work was murder.