How do you smoke bubble hash?

The stuff in 84-87 was dry screened from camel country. No offense. But the real pros. Was large percentage or pulverized cellulose. Giving it structural stability under heat. Like rabbit droppings. Only nicer color. Trying to refind a similar thing with current methods. Myself and fellow indulgers are happy so far. Bit more mad scientist. But getting there fast.
I once walked out of a head shop, and had a dude at the bus stop stop me "hey bro!" He was a very large African American man... HUGE hands that were cupped together. He calls me and a buddy over... "i saw you just came out of there"... yeah we say... "well I got what you need brother!" Opens his hands and he had probably 20 large marble size balls of what I could only assume was hash. We were right in a very busy area so I was like wtf and gtfo of there... to this day I wish I would have scored something from him hahahaha
In my duly teck 7 thread. And bubble wash. Lacking stamina. And I love to chat. So reread and ask away. I'll tell all I know, believe and am dreaming of.

Could you throw that link in here? Im trying to make the stuff my brother told me about from his navy days. Sounds like you know the way. Im plannimg on using dry sift this next round. The bubble stuff was yummy but that whole process sux lol
Could you throw that link in here? Im trying to make the stuff my brother told me about from his navy days. Sounds like you know the way. Im plannimg on using dry sift this next round. The bubble stuff was yummy but that whole process sux lol
I know nothing. Noob. Just collecting and screening trimmings before the net. What are you trying to achieve?
I want that body and texture. Gonna mainly be tootsie rolls for spliffs. My cold wash came out kinda flimsy and there was no way to add anything in. I have keif trays coming, do I mix in some ground up flower or jar bottom kinda shake? Im sure theres an eye and a feel to it ill only find through experience. Tell me more about adding foliage for stability
I take my greener bubble hash. Freeze it and use a cheese grater. Fine one. Squeeze excess moisture out before freezing. Let dry in a jar with screen top in -10F freezer for 2 weeks. Hand crush some god bud and set aside after the dry. I use a piece of heavy gauge plastic and a 1 liter bottle filled with hot tap water as my heated press. I roll the hash out and knead until sticky. Freeze or chill again and start over. When a uniform lookis achieved, I begin sprinkling in really dry bud material until I like the look. Wrap in parchment paper and freeze. Enjoy. Lightens then darkens over a few months.
Just killing hours and staying medicated. Have friends that won't touch it. Want fresh pressed chocolate bar things. LOL. Stay curious.

Hahaha, I kinda have the same thing going.

I like to smoke the 73iu bag, as it is very potent usually and almost full melt alot of the time. I throw a little snake in the middle of a joint.

For that old school hash I just ran the bubble bags with only the 25 and 160 and 220 in there. So I end up with 25-160 in one wash and ball that all together.

That came out pretty old school hash like. I think if I took out the 160 it would be even more old school hash like as it would contain more plan material.
No ash from mine. A trial experiment I forgot about doing full melt. But I'll be repeating. Only 3 grams. I have bigger jars. LOL.
Decided to utilize last year's popcorn bud for dry ice extraction. Frozen fresh prior to processing. Also have a bit of dry sift at 151 micron - tumbled trim and ground up popcorn buds. Prefer kief straight, on screen in bowl of small bubbler.

Destination - 30mg decarbed kief caps for pain/insomnia/good times. Or straight combustion.Screenshot_20210303_222236.jpg