How do you smoke your ganja?


Active Member
im a blunt man mostly. i guess its the care and skill that goes in it. i had a hookah one time, it wasnt even a foot tall, that i loved. i named her mallory from natural born killers cause thats what she was. she died a few years ago, i miss her....
Aw what a sad story='[
I would be devastated!!


Active Member
Yeah it is I got a mini bong before from someone I knew for 15$ it was actually pretty sweet, but I ended up selling it to someone else for 30$ which was even better=]

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I prefer honey/hash oil so I smoke through a straw off of a medical grade titanium plate. Or vape. Friends come over with bud and we help my bong serve it's purpose.


Well-Known Member
Just ordered a PaKoH oil set. Bubbler, matching diffused downstem, 14mm slide, and 2 piece matching oil dome. I'ts gonna run around 1k.

shot of an oil dome

Once I get this and a ti kabley nail I'll be smoking oil only. I'm getting 5lbs here in a few months. Practically all of it will be processed into oil. I'll admit Ive never even seen a kabley in person or an oil dome so all of this will be new territory. Iv'e never used a skillet either. Heres somone smoking some oil off of a dome and nail.


i've always smoked it from a little pipe i bought when i was away one time, now that i'm moving out of home i can stop being so secretive about it!

ordered myself a nice quality bong and a new pipe to replace the old one, actually no. i'll keep the old one too, we've shared so many fine memories together!


Active Member
Roor little sister... or gravity vortex for me.. that vortex is something else.. its just god damn amazing!!!!