How do you take shrooms? How often?


Well-Known Member

Hi all

I've only taken shrooms a handful of times, the first in a tea and the next 3 just eating the shrooms.

I got a good buzz with the tea but nothing eating. I ate 1 gram on day 1, 2 grams on day 4 and 3 grams on day 7.

I know nothing of the spacing you should have between doses.

Thanks for any direction you can give me.

You should wait around 2 or 3 weeks for your tolerance to go down but i was tripping pretty often when i grew mine lol. Lemon tekking was my favorite way of consuming them. Just chop up your mushies, soak them in lemon juice for around 15 minutes and down all of it. 3gs this way from what i remember can be pretty intense
I know this one, you boof them.
Maybe you're not having actually psychoactive mushrooms. Bought, grown, or found? 2-3 grams should do it unless you are a giant or there is very little to no active constituents in your material. There are ways to test for chemicals and that would at least verify that there was something in there. A good idea for any black market substance. A better idea would be testing for amounts present and more importantly, for any impurities from the wretched, horrible people in the world who cheat others and pollute stuff with junk. Be careful.
Oh, say a prayer first. Have a purpose and focus on it. Intend to achieve. Good luck.
A gram and a half usually does it for me..I have no need for heroic doses.. that's my reset button weight..rolled up in a slice of pepperoni p. Izza

"Maybe you're not having actually psychoactive mushrooms. Bought, grown, or found? "

I bought them from a dealer - I got 10 grams and ate 6 grams over 3 sessions, all within a week.


Definitely will grow my own someday soon.

What's the usual reaction from a mushroom trip? Do you sit quietly like DMT or is it an energizing experience?


Something like that. I heard a comedian say something like "I thought I was going to die, then I was so happy to be alive..."
You can sit still. You can run about. You can close your eyes and breathe in and out. Sometimes you can ride the beast, sometimes it rides you.
If there is a singular common thread to a psychedelic experience, it is FUCKING WEIRD! And that everything is connected. That it is all one big thing. One big amazing thing. One big horrible thing. And maybe that you are nothing, or everything. That dualities are sides of a single "coin." And maybe that everything is cycling...
You're alive! You're about to die. It's ok. You'll be dead way longer than you'll ever be alive. Be nice to EVERYTHING (while you can) because that's you being nice to you. We are all the same. Individuality could be an illusion. Same actor playing different characters in a movie kind of stuff. Or, "life" could be using us like a virus, and feeding off of us, causing suffering every step of the way to be able to take energy to reward something else for helping "life" survive and move another step forward. Carrot and stick stuff. Leading humans like lambs to the slaughter. Yeah...fucking weird man. Well...that's my take on it. Whatever that means.
Now, wake up.

Something like that. I heard a comedian say something like "I thought I was going to die, then I was so happy to be alive..."
You can sit still. You can run about. You can close your eyes and breathe in and out. Sometimes you can ride the beast, sometimes it rides you.
If there is a singular common thread to a psychedelic experience, it is FUCKING WEIRD! And that everything is connected. That it is all one big thing. One big amazing thing. One big horrible thing. And maybe that you are nothing, or everything. That dualities are sides of a single "coin." And maybe that everything is cycling...
You're alive! You're about to die. It's ok. You'll be dead way longer than you'll ever be alive. Be nice to EVERYTHING (while you can) because that's you being nice to you. We are all the same. Individuality could be an illusion. Same actor playing different characters in a movie kind of stuff. Or, "life" could be using us like a virus, and feeding off of us, causing suffering every step of the way to be able to take energy to reward something else for helping "life" survive and move another step forward. Carrot and stick stuff. Leading humans like lambs to the slaughter. Yeah...fucking weird man. Well...that's my take on it. Whatever that means.
Now, wake up.
I never found shrooms to effect my mind very much. Some feelings of well being, and decent visuals.
Maybe i never ate enough.
Acid on the other hand... Complete detachment, open and closed eye visuals. Total separation from self.
Enlightening and terrifying
We always made a mint tea with it, and then strained it with a tshirt making sure to squeeze out all the gooey psilocybin. But these were fresh Blue Ringers. We always tripped balls.
A lot depends on what type of shrooms you get. The penis envy ones you might need a gram to get the full ticket where say golden teacher may take 3.5 grams to get there.

The type of ride is different too. Some strains make you feel like your talking to aliens and have flippers instead of hands lol, those can be pretty intense and edgy in high doses. Others are much more funny and you laugh more and aren't as profound for lack of a better term.
A lot depends on what type of shrooms you get. The penis envy ones you might need a gram to get the full ticket where say golden teacher may take 3.5 grams to get there.

The type of ride is different too. Some strains make you feel like your talking to aliens and have flippers instead of hands lol, those can be pretty intense and edgy in high doses. Others are much more funny and you laugh more and aren't as profound for lack of a better term.
The only ones I've tried are the ones I picked wild in WA, usually when I couldn't find any weed. I've seen plywood turn colors and melt, thought we were gonna be abducted by a couple guys driving us to get weed, though I was gonna die, and had a bad trip on one of my good friends and couldn't hang out with him after that cause he gave me the creeps.

These are what we pick wild in WA.

I lived in King County, right where you can see like 10 dots converging on themselves, lol. So the hot spot really. Lots of free shrooms if you do a little searching.
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A buddy of mine back in KC used to grow the blue meanies for a long time. I found that with those 0.6 grams was a good trip, take it up to 1 gram and it was epic.
We didn't measure anything. We put whatever shrooms we found and made a tea. Sometimes we got a larger dose, lol.

There was one time I didn't add all the shrooms we collected at once since we had pounds of just tops. But shared them with a bunch of other people. Let's just say I made a lot of people happy that day, lol.

I need to make a trip back and collect some for the freezer.
1.5g to 1/8 would be my comfort zone, I don't like to crawl on the floor and flip flop from reality lol so with a fresh batch/pickup i always start with 1.5 to test, sometimes potency is a miss and yup, you could do an 8th.

I prefer to chew up on an empty stomach and eat a full blown meal right after, tea is the only other way I've tried but it takes longer.
1.5g to 1/8 would be my comfort zone, I don't like to crawl on the floor and flip flop from reality lol so with a fresh batch/pickup i always start with 1.5 to test, sometimes potency is a miss and yup, you could do an 8th.

I prefer to chew up on an empty stomach and eat a full blown meal right after, tea is the only other way I've tried but it takes longer.
Easy to eat more..sorta hard to eat less when you've got past the point of comfort