How do you take shrooms? How often?

.Definitely will grow my own someday soon.

What's the usual reaction from a mushroom trip? Do you sit quietly like DMT or is it an energizing experience?

What you make it --- all about set and setting.
My preference is outdoors and away from crowds - hiking seems to be my favorite; the mushies energize and entertain the whole way.
However, I spent a night on a couch considering the structure of wood and watching the rain melt the windows onto the couch while ancient music came from the fireplace - and enjoyed that too.
IMHO - outdoors is more entertaining and energetic, indoors is more introspective and thoughtful.

My last dose was A LOT - 1/4 oz liberty caps each with two friends - all experienced psychonauts.
(we bought an ounce, but the fourth friend couldn't make it)
Eaten with a Tbsp of honey and a big cup of OJ (bro-science trip booster) --- I've had them on pizza & just eaten them too - not awful if you like the taste of other kinds of raw mushrooms.
Warm day on a remote beach - best trip I ever had! Good, happy vibes, strong auditory & visuals, laughed till our cheeks hurt.

Maybe that's why I haven't dosed since --- that's a HIGH bar (pun intended).
Then again, that might help reset these Covid blues.

(Safely) Enjoy!
My favourite method of consumption is to grind the shrooms and mix with honey. You dont need to chew them as they will be released properly as the honey dissolves, they also dont taste bad. And you can put in a few drops of lemon if you want to, but the idea is to keep it so thick that you can just swallow the bits.
I know this one, you boof them.
Maybe you're not having actually psychoactive mushrooms. Bought, grown, or found? 2-3 grams should do it unless you are a giant or there is very little to no active constituents in your material. There are ways to test for chemicals and that would at least verify that there was something in there. A good idea for any black market substance. A better idea would be testing for amounts present and more importantly, for any impurities from the wretched, horrible people in the world who cheat others and pollute stuff with junk. Be careful.
Oh, say a prayer first. Have a purpose and focus on it. Intend to achieve. Good luck.
Every ones different, if you have a slow metabolism you will need more(I’d assume) than someone like me with a fast metabolism I get flying on 2gs but not high as long
Just my 2 cents
Doesn’t seem like the best idea
Milk shake before I don’t see it Turning out so well once you get the gut rot

just grind them up and chase them with a dring

If your stomach is that weak then maybe you shouldn't be taking shrooms... or mix it in a PB&J

Hi all

I've only taken shrooms a handful of times, the first in a tea and the next 3 just eating the shrooms.

I got a good buzz with the tea but nothing eating. I ate 1 gram on day 1, 2 grams on day 4 and 3 grams on day 7.

I know nothing of the spacing you should have between doses.

Thanks for any direction you can give me.


Last time I did shrooms was 1975. Put them on top of a peanut butter toast (white bread). I haven't done them since so every 50 years? I'll try to do them when I'm 75 to make that work out if I make it that far. haha

I remember I probably did 4-5 shrooms back then. Nice, funny experience. I liked acid better though, more color and confusion.
Me and the wife do them about 3 times a year some times less some times more depends if we can get the kids out of the house for a night. Usually do about 3 grams or more each slowly over the night. It gets a bit messy rolling in the grass laughing rubbing shrubs my neighbors must think we are crazy but that's all in the fun of it