How do you thinkt he world will end?


Well-Known Member
such a dumb post.. .who doesnt know this.. .We all know gOD will take a hit of that InDiCa hes growing and accidentally push the Wrong button.. . weve all done it.


Well-Known Member
Earth is going to get hit with a really big meteor or something... they say that some have come close before...

honestly... i think its only a matter of time


Active Member
Eh who cares, I don't really see the point of thinking bout these kinda of things. If its gonna happen its gonna happen not much to be done about it. As for myself if I'm still around when it happens I just hope i got one hell of a buzz kicking and balls deep in some pussy so i can go out with a smile.


Active Member
Am pretty sure it's going to end with a nuclear holocaust... it's a matter of time before a country gets ticked off and decides to flip the switch. One country in particularly has me worried, North Korea is just itching to start some shit next, and those basterds are nuke ready.


Well-Known Member
I think something like a mutated bird flue will wipe out humanity sometime after we've become incredibly over populated


Active Member
Kil Jong Il is the #1 customer of the alcohol company hennesy. He spends 825,000$ yearly on Hennesy alcohol. He is angry because he is a drunk. Lets introduce him to Marijuana?!


Active Member
o tight!...ive never played that game..but i owned at nazi zombies, and the red demptions undead nightmare...

i gotta check that game out..
Yeah it's an awesome game but its popularity ended.. Now the games you mention in your post are in. Am not much of a video game player, I use the Xbox more for NETFLIX and ZUNE... beats going to BLOCKBUSTER. But yeah, if theres a zombie game "Am In", love playing those games.


Well-Known Member
Am pretty sure it's going to end with a nuclear holocaust... it's a matter of time before a country gets ticked off and decides to flip the switch. One country in particularly has me worried, North Korea is just itching to start some shit next, and those basterds are nuke ready.
Hey, N.Koreas nuke 'test' have still to be proved to be actual nukes. The tests, seven in total, done under ground are also in my view why there are all these earth quakes in the pacific/indian oceans. Its all connected, I mean that in the litral sense.Like you jumping up in the air and landing on your feet. The shock travels up through your bones to your knees, If you see what I mean.
Also N.Korea only want S.Koreian blood, and maybe some Non commie blood, but really wont start out till they get direct backing from china. At the moement its still in-direct assistance,. Also N.Koreas I.C.B.M.'s (inter-contennetal ballistic missle) are very crude , undeveloped and with limited range. I think japan and India are sort of range,,,
so, As soon as Kim jong has better icbm's then he may want to start somthing, but then again he would have to take on most of asia as they (india pakistain,there the main two as they have nukes,o and china do, and others) protested and disapproved of the tests. Just have to hope china dosnt decide to back N. Korea properly, and then sell him good ICBM's.

On the over populaion frount, yes its happing, and no one, in the science communtiy really want to address it. SAy you have two kids, no matter how much you recycle, reduce your carbon footprint,
etc. they will still make a 'foot print' bigger than anything you or they (when there older)can deal with. In Europe population density is increaseing but poulation figures are leveling off, if not dropping in some European countries. So in summary guys put somthing on the end of it ,and girls go get on the pill!! There free in the UK!!! condoms and the pill.. yet we hav the largest teenage pregancy rate in the E.U. Im not going to go on and on, , or blame class or colour for it.... but it is really the lower income households that think because if I have kiddy I get benifits(child benifits),or more likey that its cool, cause her mate at school got 2 months off for pregancy,,, or to add to the benifits they get for being unempolyed, on the sick or what ever.. I know alot of us are unempolyed now beacuse of the recession, I lost my job in march,,but benfits for having a child,, not any more HAHAHA, well you still do as long as as single income of an earner in the house is less the 30.000 per annum, which is fucked up, as if I earn 29,000 and my wife earned 29,000, we get child benifits, yet a houshold where just the man works and earns 40,000 wife stays at home, they dont get child benifits. ??? but my house earns over what he earns and we still get benifits. How dose that work. Or the fact that the guy who lives down from me,, this isnt an example, he has four kids, wife and dog, he dont work, and gets 1,200 a month, yeah, 1,200 an MONTH, from the government. So of course he dont want to work, he could never earn that much if he worked so ther is no insentive for him to go to work. And he dosnt pay tax!!!! cause he unempolyed and cant afford it. BULLSHIT,,,,,
And you can say I've got it wrong, or Im just having a go,,Im not, Im just stating fact. Fact, of the teenagers who fall pregant in this country thats females under the age of 18. ,,, over 88% are from low income backgrounds, and of that 88% over three quaters, yes 3/4, expect the government to pay for, electricty, washing machine, the list goes on. And never really want to return to work.
Sorry for the babble......

So over population may only be an issue for Asian, s.american countries,, as governments in more devolepd countries are more willing to deal with the issue of overpopulation.
Take it easy,, and the end is not nigh.


Active Member
Hey, N.Koreas nuke 'test' have still to be proved to be actual nukes. The tests, seven in total, done under ground are also in my view why there are all these earth quakes in the pacific/indian oceans. Its all connected, I mean that in the litral sense.Like you jumping up in the air and landing on your feet. The shock travels up through your bones to your knees, If you see what I mean.
Also N.Korea only want S.Koreian blood, and maybe some Non commie blood, but really wont start out till they get direct backing from china. At the moement its still in-direct assistance,. Also N.Koreas I.C.B.M.'s (inter-contennetal ballistic missle) are very crude , undeveloped and with limited range. I think japan and India are sort of range,,,
so, As soon as Kim jong has better icbm's then he may want to start somthing, but then again he would have to take on most of asia as they (india pakistain,there the main two as they have nukes,o and china do, and others) protested and disapproved of the tests. Just have to hope china dosnt decide to back N. Korea properly, and then sell him good ICBM's.

On the over populaion frount, yes its happing, and no one, in the science communtiy really want to address it. SAy you have two kids, no matter how much you recycle, reduce your carbon footprint,
etc. they will still make a 'foot print' bigger than anything you or they (when there older)can deal with. In Europe population density is increaseing but poulation figures are leveling off, if not dropping in some European countries. So in summary guys put somthing on the end of it ,and girls go get on the pill!! There free in the UK!!! condoms and the pill.. yet we hav the largest teenage pregancy rate in the E.U. Im not going to go on and on, , or blame class or colour for it.... but it is really the lower income households that think because if I have kiddy I get benifits(child benifits),or more likey that its cool, cause her mate at school got 2 months off for pregancy,,, or to add to the benifits they get for being unempolyed, on the sick or what ever.. I know alot of us are unempolyed now beacuse of the recession, I lost my job in march,,but benfits for having a child,, not any more HAHAHA, well you still do as long as as single income of an earner in the house is less the 30.000 per annum, which is fucked up, as if I earn 29,000 and my wife earned 29,000, we get child benifits, yet a houshold where just the man works and earns 40,000 wife stays at home, they dont get child benifits. ??? but my house earns over what he earns and we still get benifits. How dose that work. Or the fact that the guy who lives down from me,, this isnt an example, he has four kids, wife and dog, he dont work, and gets 1,200 a month, yeah, 1,200 an MONTH, from the government. So of course he dont want to work, he could never earn that much if he worked so ther is no insentive for him to go to work. And he dosnt pay tax!!!! cause he unempolyed and cant afford it. BULLSHIT,,,,,
And you can say I've got it wrong, or Im just having a go,,Im not, Im just stating fact. Fact, of the teenagers who fall pregant in this country thats females under the age of 18. ,,, over 88% are from low income backgrounds, and of that 88% over three quaters, yes 3/4, expect the government to pay for, electricty, washing machine, the list goes on. And never really want to return to work.
Sorry for the babble......

So over population may only be an issue for Asian, s.american countries,, as governments in more devolepd countries are more willing to deal with the issue of overpopulation.
Take it easy,, and the end is not nigh.
You make interesting points, but science is advancing rapidly I also believe in like 50 years from now there will be a cure for aging? Well I wouldn't put it as a cure more like a add another 20 30 years to your life span. These scientist are playing Gods that's just going to screw us over in the END. because if we're over populated now think how it will be a 100 hundred years from now.. but anyway we shouldn't worry bout that -- we'll be dead by then.