How do you use your volcano?

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
I have had a digital volcano vaporizer for about 8 months but I'm unsure if I'm using it correctly or not. Typically I use a grinder to get the herb pretty fine and load the screen/compartment pretty full. Then I set the temperature at 376f for sativa dominant strains and at 400f for indica strains. I usually get two bags full before reloading with new herb. I'm not sure how to use it with hash either. I'm hoping you guys can help me and maybe some others at the same time.



Well-Known Member
Not I, I can't get permission to spend that money on a smoking device...I am jealous though

But I'm sure there are some YouTube vids out there to help you out


Well-Known Member
I have had a digital volcano vaporizer for about 8 months but I'm unsure if I'm using it correctly or not. Typically I use a grinder to get the herb pretty fine and load the screen/compartment pretty full. Then I set the temperature at 376f for sativa dominant strains and at 400f for indica strains. I usually get two bags full before reloading with new herb. I'm not sure how to use it with hash either. I'm hoping you guys can help me and maybe some others at the same time.


Your temps are WAY too high. You should be vaping at 370 to 374 degrees. Anything above 390 and you release all the nasty chemical compounds like benzene, etc. that a smoker would get. In that case what's the point of vaping?

I vape at 369 and with decent herb I can get about 4 to 5 bags. With really good herb up to 6 to 8 bags.

I can't believe you don't think 400 degrees is too harsh.

I basically grind the herb, not too fine, but ground up and then go for it. If the vapor lessens after a number of bags you can regrind but at that point the vapor gets poorer in the taste dept. so I'm going to start chucking at that point and using the duff for edibles.

Do yourself a favor and don't vape at 400 degrees.


Well-Known Member
I will say one of the beauties of smoking is you receive the full range of cannabinoids.. thcv for example boils at 428 making a good racy sativa almost useless if your vaping.....anyway have fun not hating on vapes

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
The flavor was much cleaner but the high was not as strong IMO. Is there a different temperature to be vaping sativas or indicas at?

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
I have a classic volcano. I've found that starting out around 345°F to 360°F for the first bag and gradually increasing up to 375°F works well. The last bag I'll bump up to just over 400°F to get the CBC's / CBD's. From what I've heard, THC vaporizes as low as 300°F, but I didn't get good results when I tried it that low.

When the herb is fresh, I can get 4, sometimes 5 bags. This time of year I'm vaping from last years harvest, and I'm getting 3-4 bags. I have the solid valve setup & make my bags a little longer (30-32") than the pre-made ones.

The good thing about the volcano is it's easy to use & real hard to fuck up. It's the only vape I've used (and I have 3 different ones) that's similiar to smoking.

You didn't say whether you had the "easy" valve or the "solid" valve setup. I only put 1/4"-3/8" of grinded buds in mine, about 0.2 gram (instructions say 1/8" to 1/2"). If you're filling it up, you may be wasting bud. You don't need to grind it all that fine either. After the first 2 bags, you should re-grind the bud though. (Now if you're using a portable vape, you need to grind the living shit out of it.)

I've smoked since 1967 and I'll tell ya, this volcano is one of the best investments I've ever made. I only wish I would of got one years ago.

One more thing, save your vaped weed & make edibles. Find out how on the edible page here.

Congrats on your new "toy". It should last a long long time.

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
I have the easy valve. The two things that bother me the most about the volcano are that I'm having a difficult time getting the prober dosage and the volcano seems like it takes forever to heat up.

Can you accurately estimate the amount of herb for your desired effect?

What do you do when your volcano is heating up?

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
Johnny and charles- I'm thinking about trying my volcano with a starting temperature around 345f for the first bag, 365f for the 2nd, 385f 3rd, 405f 4th and 425f for the 5th bag. But, I thought carcinogens started becoming volatile at a little over 400f??


Well-Known Member
Johnny and charles- I'm thinking about trying my volcano with a starting temperature around 345f for the first bag, 365f for the 2nd, 385f 3rd, 405f 4th and 425f for the 5th bag. But, I thought carcinogens started becoming volatile at a little over 400f??
It's actually about 392 degrees at which you start releasing the nasty stuff you're trying to avoid by vaping.

I go at 370 from start to finish. With good herb I can get 6 to even 8 bags at that temp.


Well-Known Member
I set it to 7.5 and get 2-3 solid bags. I fill the chamber 1/4 way. I've got the solid valve; it's amazing. I used to gradually raise the temperature but; whatever. The only reason to vape at different temperatures is in order to release different chemical compounds at different times. thc, then cbd, then cbn and all that good medicinal jazz - I have the decarboxylation temperatures written somewhere else but they're easy to google.

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering for like 375 degrees is that like 6-7 on the volcano classic?
From the Volcano instruction book:

1 = 130°C / 266°F
2 = 142°C / 288°F
3 = 154°C / 309°F
4 = 166°C / 331°F
5 = 178°C / 352°F
6 = 190°C / 374°F
7 = 202°C / 396°F
8 = 214°C / 417°F
9 = 226°C / 439°F

+- 5°C / 9°F....I hear the digital is slightly more accurate, but I don't think a few degrees make that much difference.

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
Johnny and charles- I'm thinking about trying my volcano with a starting temperature around 345f for the first bag, 365f for the 2nd, 385f 3rd, 405f 4th and 425f for the 5th bag. But, I thought carcinogens started becoming volatile at a little over 400f??
You know, they could be. I've always heard MJ combusts anywhere from 400°F to 600°F and even higher, depending the condition of the bud & where you get the information. Smoke is what I'm personally trying to avoid. I've never seen any evidence of the weed burning or even scortching using the volcano though, but that doesn't mean some evil carcinogens aren't sneaking in at lower temperatures. We don't live in a vacumn. I've noticed at 350°F it sure tastes sweet, over 400°F it's a little raspy on the throat though. I think most people just experiment until they find something that works for them.

The long warm up time really sucks. The first time you can be grinding your bud, but after that, you just have to wait for it to warm up. Only takes about 3-4 minutes, but feels like 10 when you're buzzed. Either that or turn it on 10 minutes before you want to use it. I got a day job & only vape in the evening. I used to just leave it on, but nodded off a few times. Don't want to burn the house down, so now I just wait. The digital has an auto shutoff after 30 minutes, but I don't think it's worth the extra $100.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to knock it. But why do people buy them and why are they charged so much? Seems to me that +/- 20 degrees is the most inaccurate vape I've seen...not to mention that you said it could be off up to 10 degrees.. and it takes a full 10 minutes to get to temp? what's all the hype about? I got a vape for like 150 and it has a bag and whip plus I can go up 1 degree at a time if I want..but it does register about 10 degrees colder than actual temp

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
Not trying to knock it. But why do people buy them and why are they charged so much? Seems to me that +/- 20 degrees is the most inaccurate vape I've seen...not to mention that you said it could be off up to 10 degrees.. and it takes a full 10 minutes to get to temp? what's all the hype about? I got a vape for like 150 and it has a bag and whip plus I can go up 1 degree at a time if I want..but it does register about 10 degrees colder than actual temp
I'm not on the volcano payroll, but I think the main reason people buy and use them is the quality of construction. Volcano's are made in Germany, with precision engineering, & stainless steel parts, really high quality stuff. I have another vape, for example, a puffit, the one that looks like an asthma inhaler. It's made in China, like most stuff these days, by slave labor. It cost maybe 1/4 of what the volcano costs. I've had it for 8-9 months or so and used it 20-30 times, mostly when I'm out of town, hiking, camping, etc. It's not built good enough for everyday use though. The volcano is built like it'll last forever. You could compare it to driving a Mercedes or BMW vs. driving a Kia. Both of them will get you where you want to go, but the BMW is a far nicer ride.

BTW, the volcano takes 3 minutes or so to warm up, it just feels like 10 when you're baked & waiting :D

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
Great post Vapor!

In addition, the temperature settings on the digital Volcano also adjust in 1 degree increments.

The Volcano is my first and only vape therefore I am unable to make a comparison, but I am curious on what others think...