How does it feel to throw your vote away on a cheap traitor?

Would have made no difference who the current puppet in the WH is.

So you fuck sheep?
From what I've read, fudded bluck actually used to be liked here.

He had a few nazi cronies, sure. Check out some older threads for a few good laughs.

The depraved thing is permitted to remain here for whatever reason(s), although it's a self-admitted racist informant. Kinda makes you wonder who would allow such filth to remain.....I mean, if I encouraged Richard Spencer to stay at my home for as long as he wished, carte blanche, what would you think of me? "We are the company we keep", after all....
There are people that still interact with daveysnitch? lol!
I sometimes forget that not everyone has the pathetic thing blocked. (Though you really should, doing so really streamlines the politics section. :cool:)

It's like that (shirtless) toxic junkie on the corner screaming about 'messengers from the sky' and barking random expletives in hopes of garnering ANY sort of attention. Misery, desperation, and sadness all rolled into one (site owner protected, for now) slimy heap.
I allow myself approx. 1 interaction per month. You know, because he lives in my head rent free. Just ask him.
I'm in your sad little Jew hating head.


He lost his shit months ago, triggered by me sodomizing him throughout his horrible 'wahhhhh, suicide!!' thread. He then proceeded to suckle from my massive ballbag, follow me around the site, and even alter his avatar several times. LOL
How about the same few tired/antisemitic memes that he's been posting over and over (and over and over and over) since then?
Poor junkie's got it baaaddddd....

He lost his shit months ago, triggered by me sodomizing him throughout his horrible 'wahhhhh, suicide!!' thread. He then proceeded to suckle from my massive ballbag, follow me around the site, and even alter his avatar several times. LOL
How about the same few tired/antisemitic memes that he's been posting over and over (and over and over and over) since then?
Poor junkie's got it baaaddddd....

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Are still pissed I raped you a new one, is it still to soon honey?