How does it look -pics-


Active Member
hello all
after germinating 5 AK48 and 5 WW seeds, they were placed in the rockwool almost a few days ago... a few of them look very nice and strong, but some of them look very week or the small leaves are turning yellow as can be seen in the pics, 1 or 2 look like the leaves are purple and dried out, have a look and tell me what you guys think...


Active Member
they look like shit thjrow them away and start over loks like you way over watered themed and they drowned thats what i think


Well-Known Member
From what i can tell, they look great! Learn how to manually focus your camera though. I can only see detail of the rockwool, not the plant.


Active Member
i did use the old paper towel method... its just that i over germinated them and didnt know exactly how to insert them in the rockwool while the roots were so long... i am soaking the bigger rockwool placement and will insert these ones in those tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
they look great dude. at this stage it's somewhat a "wait and see" situation. they are too young for nutrient adjustments and if they were sick, they are too genetically weak anyways to care about.

keep em moist, low fan, light close, fresh air; once they get a 5 leaf branch set, move onto step 2...


Active Member
these are the shots after transplanting today, i added a little nutes yesterday before transplanting... didnt water or anything now since the cubes were pulled out straight from soaking with no nutes... what should i be doing now to help them grow nicely if possible..

one of the plants died... i think the weaker plants are due to an imbalance in pH with the smaller cubes since i think i didnt properly adjust the pH of the smaller cubes..

i hope everything turns out better now


New Member
They look fine ... normal. If you don't already have it, you'll need to have a gentle breeze blowing over them to strengthen the stems. Just a small fan set on low will do. And the air doesn't have to be direct either ... just blowing against the side of the wall will do.



Active Member
yeah i already have one of those, this is what the room looks like now

... what about the one with the yellow leaves, could that plant go in another direction if taken care of properly?



Active Member
ok.. it has almost been a week since planting, and im wondering when i should start feeding and what for maximum growth, what i have infront of me and DNF (Dutch Nutrient Formula) Gro A&B A is 2-0-2 and B is 0-1-3. I also have an Earth Juice bottle, is there anything esle i should have/get, how should i be feeding them.. should i just follow the instructions on the DNF bottles? what about the earth juice..


Well-Known Member
they are loooking small but they should come through...remeber weed is a weed, so give it a chance to live before you kill it


Active Member
just got my ebb and flow system installed today... i also started feeding the plants with quarter strength today, seems like everything is going alright now..



Well-Known Member
when you pH'd your water to soak your cubes did you account for the slight acidity of the rockwool cubes? because i noticed that if i soaked my cubes in like 7.0 pH water, then the actual pH in the cube would be around 6.3


Well-Known Member
by the way, how much for the ebb and flo? i use a drip feed right now but i love the simplistics of an ebb and flo