How does it look??


Well-Known Member
the date on th pics is wrong that was 2day at like 11 this morning my camera date stamped it wrong


Active Member
mirrors are bad. the dont work the way you would imagine, just use something that is just plain white. But you can go into flower if you want to, personaly i would let it get bigger. do you have an hps for flowering or just going floro all the way?


Well-Known Member
most likely fluoro cant afford the ballast for the hps probly get 2 more red spec fluoros for flowering. but you think i should let it get bigger?


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil, cds, and mirrors do have pretty good reflectivity, especially mirrors, but the problem with them is they also create hot spots in your grow room and on the plants themselves which can cause some serious burns to your plant


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil, cds, and mirrors do have pretty good reflectivity, especially mirrors, but the problem with them is they also create hot spots in your grow room and on the plants themselves which can cause some serious burns to your plant
ha yea rite fucking mirrors eat light dont use em if you cant afford that expensive shit use chip wrappers-lol