How does my oil look?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for detailed reply BC!...

Yeah, this tube is odd, its the one and only tube I've ever seen that the insertion hole fits both STök, and Lucienne nozzles without needing an adapter....

So, while there is nomodifications made to the insertion end, while doing a” dry run”.....

Using the empty tube and an empty can of Lucienne, I was able to get the butane nozzle in there fairly deep (gigidy) and angle the nozzle in all directions without any loss of pressure (seemingly)..

I'm toying with some soak ideas right now too....

Again, thanks for the diligence in your post...

+ rep.


Well-Known Member
No prob SirDabs! My pleasure man. I love this forum man anything I can do to give back what I have learned from peeps here! Keep us posted on your tube comparisons!


Well-Known Member
OP; looks yummy. Its definitely passing shatter now.

BC, I gots a question for ya brotha....

I've read you like the larger ID tubes.. .

Welp, I've happen to come upon a tube free of charge, I believe she holds 60ish grams with an ID 1.75 in.

I've had it for awhile now, and have hesitated to use it because, I feel it's too fat.....

What's your experience with the larger IDs?..Have you used a 1.75 er?

Should I do it?

I been looking for someone to push me to make some friggen
Just to add, I've seen some new glass blown with the neck as a cyclone that starts small and ends up the full diameter of the tube. I guess the idea is to create a reflected spray that will coat the entire tube. I will see if I can get a pic this weekend and you might be able to get one blown like it.


New Member
keep whipping that shit. gotta spread that out. the more surface area and heat will purge it fuly.. u can get complete shatter.. just takes longer without a vac.