How does one become a Medical Doctor in Nevada?


Active Member
right, simplest thing in the world: go to college (4 years), crush the curve in most classes, graduate, pass mcat, go to med school crush the curve in most classes (4 years), graduate, residence (2 years or so), pass boards, become md... you should be able to wack it out in about 12 years... now go crack those books... (ps it is the same in every state in the union and most of the first world)...


Well-Known Member
a medical doctor??

?????????? i'll just keep the party going and say that you have to get a bachelor's in a 'natural science', most of the time it's biology.

then you go to med school for 4 years. you then become a sort of doctor, but you have to do 2 years of residency, which is working in an ER or clinic.

then you decide if you want to specialize. PS: the most lucrative md field without much risk and blood is RADIOLOGY. it's also the hardest to make it into, so you have to do good in school. it's the doctors that look at MRI's and X-rays and stuff and figure out what's wrong with you. they rarely have to see patients face-to-face. I personally know of a Radiologist who works part-time (20-30max hours a week) and earns $300 per hour.

i know...... it's ridiculous....

spends the rest of the time living a real comfortable life......

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
wouldnt most people call a school to ask. or another Dr.
or are you thinking you can buy a degree so you can make cash selling cards. seemed kinda obvious youd need to go to school for years and years