how does one DRY plants without SMELL???


Well-Known Member
Its next to impossible...

It gets real stinky during the drying phase..

But, once they dry out, the smell will slightly fade.

And after your buds are fully dried you jar em up for the cure...

I know it sux, fingernails are hard to come by. :)


Well-Known Member
Does one need a 2nd tent with ANOTHER carbon filter and fan????
Yes, but the fan doesn't need to be strong. Tiny little PC fan, just to maintain negative pressure in the tent, would do it. Some people harvest their entire crop then hang dry in the flowering space (lights off) to use the carbon filter.

CLOSETGROWTH is right, the smell will pass after drying and won't come back until a good cure, but by then they're in sealed containers. ;-)


Active Member
Awwww fudge. fudge. fudge me.

it's worse than the flowering smell? cause right now it's pretty bad not awful but bad enough.

If i put ONA gel all around the drying area will that AFFECT the herbage? the taste? smell? high?

Its next to impossible...

It gets real stinky during the drying phase..

But, once they dry out, the smell will slightly fade.

And after your buds are fully dried you jar em up for the cure...

I know it sux, fingernails are hard to come by. :)


Well-Known Member
Nope, that is what that stuff is for. Smell reduction. You can use that stuff, just read the directions and look up on google on how people do it in their grows to see what the best method is for you.


Well-Known Member
If you water cure the smell from the water curing will not be as great as when you were air drying and burping with a glass jar for curing. And even when you have to dry the bud after a water cure it shouldn't smell at all (because any part of it that smelled was sucked out by the water).


Well-Known Member
basically you just fill a glass jar like half way with bud, then fill it up with distilled or ro water (you want the water as pure as possible) don't worry about pH
you will have to add something to the jar to keep the buds down at first (you don't want them sticking out of the water, and they don't soak up enough water weight to hold themselves down the first couple days), I used plastic straws and forks and bent them around and put them under the top
don't add a lid to the jars, or if you do, make sure you punch a bunch of holes in for air (you need an non air tight top so some of the ickies can evaporate)
every day change the water out
after 7 days of water take the buds out and dry them

some people use a food dehumidifier set on low, others have fans blowing directly on the bud
I don't know for sure, but I don't think that water cured bud has any of the same problems that fresh bud can have from being dried too quickly


Well-Known Member
No because the mold can form underwater, the only time you have to worry about mold is when it comes time to dry them after the 7 days. A lot of people use a dehumidifier and set it to the lowest setting and they get done after 5 hours, others just hang them and have fans blow directly on them.


Well-Known Member
That I am not sure of. I've started asking around recently if one had to worry about how dry water cured bud might get to avoid mold, and if it would give you the same problems from being dried too quickly that fresher bud would. I haven't heard anything on either side, so it is at least a good think no one seems to talk about any issues like that when water curing. I would sure like to hear from someone more experience with water curing on this. I'm gonna rap up my first jar tomorrow I think, I probably won't have any kind of dehumidifier, probably just fans blowing directly on them. Lots of commas,,,,,,,,,,,,

They all say it smokes super smooth


Well-Known Member
Well this isn't the place to go for water curing advice and such really. There are definitely better threads out there, try looking for them. Just google water cure rollitup or something like that. But what I said is basically hows its done.


Active Member
I've tried water cure on a small amount, but wasn't impressed. Air dry until stems snap, then put in jars is the only way I'll cure. Shit turns out ass-kicking every time.

Best place is in an un-occupied attic. Up that high, nobody should smell it there. If you're having trouble with finding a stealthy place to dry, then stay away from skunk varieties. I'm staying away from the skunks. You can't grow it, dry it or smoke it without someone smelling it. Your pipe reeks from it too.

I also read, if you water cure, you will lose some flavor. If you have a strain with a natural citrus, fruity or grape flavor, you'll lose that flavor in the water cure.


Well-Known Member
Yeah water cure will do that
Water Cure Cons- Lost off smell, loss of flavor, loss of bag appeal, extra 10% weight lost over traditional air dry and jar cure
Water Cure Pros- Super Smooth (not harsh), super clean (less impurities and crap in it that you don't want in your system), smoke smells less (some people even use this so they can smoke in public without getting caught), and I hear that it is better for making food out of because it doesn't have all that extra crap left in it to taint the flavor of whatever you make it into (ex: less disgusting firecrackers? more pure tasting butter?).