how does she look? (second grow)


Well-Known Member
Aww, our babies grow up so fast! Why, it seems like it was just yesterday I was moistening paper towels, and now my girls are all grown up. Soon, they'll be headin' off to college and the house will be calm and quiet again... yeah right! As soon as these bitches get out my house, new ones will be put in their place to carry on the family legacy!

... 600 posts bitches! :-D


Well-Known Member
Aww, our babies grow up so fast! Why, it seems like it was just yesterday I was moistening paper towels, and now my girls are all grown up. Soon, they'll be headin' off to college and the house will be calm and quiet again... yeah right! As soon as these bitches get out my house, new ones will be put in their place to carry on the family legacy!

... 600 posts bitches! :-D
^ lmao!!! right on!!!
replacing them is how it goes..
i think i will keep her around though..
i want to try cloning for the first time :D
i hope it's as easy as people make it to be..

congrats on the 600th post :)

they look good man cant wait see then bigger, is it bagseed?
^ yeah man, i can't wait neither..
i think she's growing more in width than height..
& yeah, she's bagseed but i think she's an indica..
just look at my avatar..
thick leaves & short.. but thanks man :D


Well-Known Member
i'm using christmas wrapping paper.. lol
people said use the flip side..
but, on the other side it's just regular white paper..
so, i used the shiny side of it.. haha

i must say, it reflects really well :D


Well-Known Member
^ thanks man :D

sadly.. i might have to flower early..
i have to go to hawaii for a year..
& i leave in less than 4-5 months..
for my carpentry program..

which sucks..
because, i wanted to veg her for 3 months :(


Well-Known Member
bumer bro but yeah im sure it will still be ok, i started flower at 6 weeks, at least you can finish her better than you saying i have to kill them cuz i have to leave you kno.


Well-Known Member
i got you man :)

i just planned on keeping her as mother..
now, that's all ruined..
because, all of a sudden they accept me..
when i applied 5 months ago.. lol

oh well, there's always another chance to grow?
hopefully, i can grow my next plant as well as this one..


Well-Known Member
Are you still planning on flowering her off? Might as well smoke a nug or two of your own stash before you leave!


New Member
small like penis!kiss-ass
she's now 7 days old (her first week)
she is working on her 4th set of leaves..
finishing up her 3rd set & growing some flowers out the main stem..
up close i can't see node spacing.. it's weird..
it looks like they're growing all on the same node.. haha
i need to get a camera with the macro setting though.. lol

comment/opinions appreciated..


Active Member
That's a bummer about having to take off early, but don't think it's all over! Four months is a long time! Veg for another two weeks or so, then flower. Hopefully you're baby will only need two months to bulk up nice. Don't think that it won't get any bigger during flowering, because that definitely is not the case. Good job so far, don't give up!


Well-Known Member
Are you still planning on flowering her off? Might as well smoke a nug or two of your own stash before you leave!
i think i am going to flower her in 2-3 weeks..
but, i just might go a bit longer & quick dry her..
i know man, i want to smoke my home grown before i leave.. lol

That's a bummer about having to take off early, but don't think it's all over! Four months is a long time! Veg for another two weeks or so, then flower. Hopefully you're baby will only need two months to bulk up nice. Don't think that it won't get any bigger during flowering, because that definitely is not the case. Good job so far, don't give up!
yeah, it is a long time..
but, i need to manage my time frame..
i don't want that rushing last minute thing..
trying to unplug everything & put it in storage..
i know she will get bigger but i don't know..
if all else fails & i get my flight confirmation early..
i'll know for sure when it's good to start flowering..
i seriously wanted to keep her as a mother though.. :(

thanks man :D

Token Paraplegic

Well-Known Member
First off fuck bag seed unless if you live in th bahamas or someting else looks like alot of streching man I would just throw those away and try growin clone of ur small penis

Please do not mind jackass' like the one above, your plant looks great man keep on keeping on! Hope it turns out to be a lady! I should be confirming sex on my grow in the next couple days if you get a chance stop by and see my mini bonsai(I topped the plant) big bang strain. The link is in my sig you night want to go to the last page and scroll back!