How does these look so far?


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Hello everyone .
Would first like to thank everyone for their help so far:peace: this is my first dwc grow so it def helps having advice from experienced growers. I recently transplanted a pineapple express and purple haze into a 5 gallon dwc under a 600w mh cool hood in a four by four grow tent with a six inch cfm fan and carbon filter. I was just wondering how do they look so far ? when I first transplanted them I put them on the outskirt of the light and gradually moved it closer. The pineapple looks perky while the haze looks more druppy, so I would like to make sure they are healthy. I also planted c99 a week apart It took longer to come up but when it did it stretched for the light and the shell was still on causing it to look deformed. One side is smaller then the other also I noticed even though its younger then the other two plants Its roots are four times the size. I have it in a floating tray and its seems to be growing more by the roots then the others. I would like to know whats everyone thoughts on that one and should I transplanted it since the roots are so long

I want to thank everyone in advanced for your help its much appreciated :clap::clap:



Yea that last ones looking a little droopy, did you recently soak that plug again?
Lol nope not this time no soaking of the plugs but I have it
Yea that last ones looking a little droopy, did you recently soak that plug again?

:D nope learned my lesson last time. All I did was put the plug in the tray then put the seed in without soaking it at all. The tray is a floating tray so I dont water it at all. What I noticed with that one is that the root is four times as long as the others and its a week younger too so I was thinking maybe it searching for nutrients or there isn't enough o2 in the water tray. Since the tap root was so long I was going to just replant it in my dwc and put it on the side of my mh light and maybe that would help


they all look good, the small one looks like it's over watered or something though imo..
thanks there in a floating germination station tray. I dont water it because there floating in water I was thinking maybe not enough 02 in there so maybe transplant them to my dwc