How does Wednesday sound for chopping? pics!


Well-Known Member
Wanted to do it tomorrow, but I think I might wait until Wednesday.

Why the random day? I'll be away from tomorrow until Wed., and I feel like by then it should be good.

Pistils are about 40% brown, trichomes are starting to turn amber.

Wait longer?



Well-Known Member
i like the next weekend idea better.

you see all those white hairs? you want those to recede back into the buds.

dont be so scientific...think practically. does the bud look done? does it look like you would smoke/buy it.
there's a good thread on here about chopping

i think the guys name is zues or some shit. look it up


Active Member
Yeah thats got atleast another 3 weeks IMO ... Also Ease up a little on the nutes ? your fan leaves are like Fried off ? but good job none the less your close now just be patient ! :)


you got like 2 more weeks left there.. i know they starting to turn amber, but with sativas you have a larger window of opprotunity to harvest cuzz they mature slower then indicas


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats got atleast another 3 weeks IMO ... Also Ease up a little on the nutes ? your fan leaves are like Fried off ?
lol thats what i was gonna say, seems like you had a nute party all over that plant