Really enjoying seeing all your gardens. I'm further north in Washington, so a lot of my plants are just getting started.
Need to throw down some fertilizer for the garlic tomorrow and harvest scapes soon. First year growing it, I'm excited. 6 different varieties.
A few different varieties of potatoes.
I'm letting a few of the onions that overwintered go to seed this year. Holy shit, I did not think they grew this BIG!!!!
This is a pic from last year. It's just to show how I grow white clover in the garden as a living mulch, and I let it fill in between the plants and on the foot paths. Bees sure go crazy for those blossoms.
A few different varieties of strawberries. Some of these suckers are knee high already.
Raspberry patch. Attempting to get creeping thyme established on the path. My goal is for it to grow into a thick carpet, and when it starts to flower it should be beautiful.