Finally got all my seeds and plants in the ground! I had an opportunity to till and plant a garden on an old dairy farm. Can't grow anything out in the woods with the lack of consistent sun.
I think I got a little excited, I tilled up a perimeter of 75' x 50'. Inside that, I tilled up 6 rows 75' long, tilled up one 75' row on the outside for okra, then tilled up an 8x16 patch for corn.
I spent almost 6 hours just planting seeds. I got a few plants from local garden centers of things I forgot to get seeds of. Bought 3 squash plants, 5 strawberry plants, 5 cherry tomato plants, 2 Bradley tomato plants, 8 green bell pepper plants, about 100 onion sets, garlic, red potatoes, and Yukon golds.
For seeds, planted sweet corn, Okra, Zucchini, green beans, black beans, kidney beans, cattle beans, Cherokee Purple and Better Boy Tomatoes, orange and red bell peppers, small sweet peppers, pepperocini, emerald fire jalapeno, carrots, beets, 2 types of cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, romaine, watermelon, and planted some onion seeds so I can have a couple harvests of onions.
The soil is pretty good out on the farm, had horses and cows in there for a few years. I tilled everything up once, spread a bunch of compost, humus, manure, and ewc's, then about 25 lbs of Dr Earth dry ammendments, then tilled all that in. Fingers crossed for a bountiful harvest