How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Nothing amazing but things are growing slowly. We've had below average temps for awhile so that's been a factor. A few more days and the temps are going to rise. Precipitation for the next few days but it's supposed to be nice this weekend. It's still April so I'm probably just being impatient.

My indoor tomato starts are getting pretty tall. I probably should have waited a month before I started them but I do the same thing every year and start early because I can't stop myself.


Getting a head start on the Thai basil by sprouting some store bought. As long as you keep the flowers pinched off it keeps growing.


The Yukon Gold potatoes are coming up. They'll be a nice treat. Potatoes are cheap and take up a bunch of space for a long time so I don't devote much to them. I have some reds I'm going to grow in bags as well. There are also some volunteers coming up from last year so I'll leave them be and see what I get.


Decided to do a little landscaping around the greenhouse since I'm not going to move it until the end of this summer. I'm putting in an outdoor kitchen where it's currently at. I have to relocate a current shed in order to move it to the location it's going to and I have too many summer projects to do it now. I'll be replacing the cover with new plastic as well.

Built an outdoor kitchen in 2015,best thing Ive ever built.Great spot for parties family events.
I transplanted five tomato and six pepper plants this morning. Three beef steak, two Russian black Krem. . .


. . . . two mini sweets (the outside ones on the row with three) . . . . . .


two hatch and three cayenne. (row to the right. I will do one more row when the Mammoth Jalapeno get ready)

Hatch is jumping the start. Lots of peppers on the mini sweets too. Nothing turning red yet.

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Dry me a hatch. We will hanker somethin. No real seeds around here. And we ate the only real fresh we got.
Damn Florida sand and sun. Too be able to grow year round.

I got rainbow carrots, radishes. broccoli, mixed lettuce and my heirloom sunflowers planted with my one still working hand.

Seeing carry over tomatoes and sunflowers popping up. Wonder what surprises nature has for me this year. Spring is a present every day.

About 3x the usual for me. I have moved the sprawling vine plants to other locations. Just a pepper and tomato jungle now.
Embracing cruciferous plants this year too. Cabbage, brussells sprouts, brocolli.
Got some interesting radish hybrids. The early scarlet globe and white icicle on the left cross pollinated. If I had the desire I'd isolate and refine my own radish variety. For now I'll just let them keep doing their thing with open pollination. Although the two on the right seem to be displaying hybrid vigor with their size and look promising.

I might just get some Daikon radish seeds and play around. I want some decent sized radishes if I'm going to spend the time with it. Something I can pickle, use for kimchi, and call my own.

Finally got all my seeds and plants in the ground! I had an opportunity to till and plant a garden on an old dairy farm. Can't grow anything out in the woods with the lack of consistent sun.
I think I got a little excited, I tilled up a perimeter of 75' x 50'. Inside that, I tilled up 6 rows 75' long, tilled up one 75' row on the outside for okra, then tilled up an 8x16 patch for corn.
I spent almost 6 hours just planting seeds. I got a few plants from local garden centers of things I forgot to get seeds of. Bought 3 squash plants, 5 strawberry plants, 5 cherry tomato plants, 2 Bradley tomato plants, 8 green bell pepper plants, about 100 onion sets, garlic, red potatoes, and Yukon golds.
For seeds, planted sweet corn, Okra, Zucchini, green beans, black beans, kidney beans, cattle beans, Cherokee Purple and Better Boy Tomatoes, orange and red bell peppers, small sweet peppers, pepperocini, emerald fire jalapeno, carrots, beets, 2 types of cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, romaine, watermelon, and planted some onion seeds so I can have a couple harvests of onions.
The soil is pretty good out on the farm, had horses and cows in there for a few years. I tilled everything up once, spread a bunch of compost, humus, manure, and ewc's, then about 25 lbs of Dr Earth dry ammendments, then tilled all that in. Fingers crossed for a bountiful harvest :bigjoint:
Anybody using sprinklers to water their gardens? A buddy of mine has a nice sprinkler on a tripod that he loves, thinking about picking up something similar. This Aqua Joe 360* Sprinkler is on sale at Home Depot for $29.99
I use an old waving back and forth one. Putting it high to spread it better. I use timers to automate. I still water by hand to add my swamp water. I mulch with cardboard and I cover it with straw. The cardboard holds a lot of water and it adds carbon to the soil.
I had the little army worms on my tomatoes. I saw them a couple three days ago, but forgot to spray on my camp night, so I went down tonight and got it done. Did all the peppers and tomatoes at both gardens.

No peppers or tomatoes showing red yet.
Today, tomorrow and Friday are good above ground days. I planted the skips in the crossed flint/sweet corn and Okra.
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Also planted 3 rows of sweet corn.

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What varieties sweet corn are you growing? Back in my heyday of gardening we grew old reliable Silver Queen and some newer ones Ambrosia and Avalon. Not really enough to make them worthwhile and they took up some valuable tomato room, but man was that some good corn.
What varieties sweet corn are you growing? Back in my heyday of gardening we grew old reliable Silver Queen and some newer ones Ambrosia and Avalon. Not really enough to make them worthwhile and they took up some valuable tomato room, but man was that some good corn.
I'm growing Silver Queen for now. I buy seeds a pound at a time, and with my little gardens, that lasts several years.

The crossed flint/sweet corn was from beds at the riverhouse. I had one sweet corn plant in a raised bed, and I thought the sexual maturity times were staggered enough not to mess me up. But that one plant messed me up big time. I picked out about a dozen ears that looked to be all flint, and segregated those. (I do have a couple dozen of the original seeds I didn't plant. I may have to backtrack and use them if these don't do right for me) But the mixed seeds look more like sweet corn than flint, and I have a couple gallons of them. I'm going to grow them and see if they will work for parched corn.
I laid off rows for green beans yesterday, only to discover I am out of seeds. I was at the Co-op a couple of three weeks ago, and didn't realize I needed more. The 12th and 13th are the next good above ground days. I just have to remember to buy seeds. . . . .