How Does Your Garden Grow??????

This damn kit kept showing up as I have been doing Xmas shopping online. I finally bought it. Oyster Mushroom kit. It says harvest in 10 days. It’s been 5.

it’s on Amazon for $20. Cool little gift.

Closeup of same thing. Cool looking for sure.

Suppose to look like this in 10 days and ready to harvest.
Put the garlic in about 3 weeks ago and it's coming up, and the torpedo onions sets are doing quite well. Just cut the asparagus back that had gone to seed, and put a couple inches of topsoil over the bed. Still have a few fresno peppers growing, but they're abot done. Now if Icould just get the neghbors cats to stop using my raised beds as their toliet!!
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Sunday and Monday are the best above ground days this month. I have all the holes in the old pepper patches redug. Also disc the garden itself and got rows laid off for corn and squash. I'm going to put tomatoes where I had pepper last year, and put viney squash in last year's tomato patches.

This is better prepared than usual for me. Lots of times the good planting days finds me hooking the disc to the tractor. . . .

We have frost coming Tuesday and Wednesday morning, so I'm waiting on transplanting tomatoes, but I have about 15 ready to go after the cold.

And the world needs to wind it's watch. Even though the equinox is late on the 19th, here on the sandhill, we had 12 hours and 0 minutes of daylight today.
I got my garden in on Sunday and Monday. 3 1/2 rows sunflowers. 6 rows silver queen. 2 rows each of three kinds of bush beans (strike, 3 color blend and blue lake). 1 row each of zukes and yellow straight neck squash. A row each of viney squash ( In alphabetical order) acorn, Amish, butternut, scalloped and spaghettis. Also using my abc's as a memory device, I planted Charleston gray, crimson sweet, jubilee, unmarked seed, most likely jubilee, and yellow melons. And on a fence yard long and purple green beans. I had to move 15 tomato plants from under the lights. Will transplant as soon as they are hardened off enough.
I got my garden in on Sunday and Monday. 3 1/2 rows sunflowers. 6 rows silver queen. 2 rows each of three kinds of bush beans (strike, 3 color blend and blue lake). 1 row each of zukes and yellow straight neck squash. A row each of viney squash ( In alphabetical order) acorn, Amish, butternut, scalloped and spaghettis. Also using my abc's as a memory device, I planted Charleston gray, crimson sweet, jubilee, unmarked seed, most likely jubilee, and yellow melons. And on a fence yard long and purple green beans. I had to move 15 tomato plants from under the lights. Will transplant as soon as they are hardened off enough.
I forgot three rows of cukes. Armenian, straight eight and marketer. And a few rows of okra way too close together. I had planned to put viney squash in one of last season's tomato beds and put them in the garden itself, so I had space left.

It's a little too early for me to plant summer veggies, not that it's too cold, but for some reason the sparrows tear the crap out of anything soft and leafy I plant this time of year. In another month or so, they won't. Haven't figured out why they do it, but I'm guessing that the store bought starts are higher in food value, and they know it! I plant a lot of pickling cukes every other year, and make 10 quarts or so of dill pickles, I also grow the dill! I actually have a serrano pepper that survived the winter and is starting to leaf out again, still has serrano peppers (they're red now) hanging on it. I planted horseraddish last year and let die back, it's coming up gangbusters. I love fresh grated horseraddish.
I planted the skips in Amish and yellow squash, and redid the whole damn row of Crimson Sweet (with store bought seed). The bad thing on the melon seeds is I don't remember which bag I used out of.

I got about 4 1/2 inches of rain after I planted. So no need to drag hoses for a few days.

Some of the viney squash.
