Larry {the} Gardener
Well-Known Member
We got down to 34F on Tuesday morning. There was a pretty heavy frost. I turned on the sprinklers to wash the frost off, but apparently the broccoli was so tall, it blocked the water from reaching the plants in the trench and the kiddie pool. All of the young pepper plants that I had just put in the pool were toast. Yesterday I replaced them and squeezed in a few more besides. Starting on the north side and going clockwise, I transplanted 4 Grand Bell Mix, a California Wonder Bell, Serrano Chili, Cayenne and Jalapeno Early.

Then today I filled the other kiddie pool with 12 pepper and one tomato. My picture of the cups didn't turn out, but they are still stacked in order in the back of my truck. I know Habanero is at 12:00 and clockwise from there I think it goes 2 Hungarian Wax Yellow, 2 Jalapeno Early, 2 Grand Bell Mix, 2 California Wonder, 1 Serrano Chili and 2 Cayenne with a Yellow Pear tomato in the middle. {but I could be wrong}

And if you eat any of my pepper and your head begins to spin, here might be the reason.

I also did half a row of zucchini and half a row of early summer crook neck squash. I still have about a dozen more of the crook neck, but I had to get to work.

The bigger cups of the zucchini had better roots than the small ones the crook neck was in.

Then today I filled the other kiddie pool with 12 pepper and one tomato. My picture of the cups didn't turn out, but they are still stacked in order in the back of my truck. I know Habanero is at 12:00 and clockwise from there I think it goes 2 Hungarian Wax Yellow, 2 Jalapeno Early, 2 Grand Bell Mix, 2 California Wonder, 1 Serrano Chili and 2 Cayenne with a Yellow Pear tomato in the middle. {but I could be wrong}

And if you eat any of my pepper and your head begins to spin, here might be the reason.

I also did half a row of zucchini and half a row of early summer crook neck squash. I still have about a dozen more of the crook neck, but I had to get to work.

The bigger cups of the zucchini had better roots than the small ones the crook neck was in.