everything is responding to the warm weather that finally arrived. the tomato hempies seem to be working well.
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the pepper patch is starting to look a little better, too, my reapers are still kind of small, thinking about starting some more, but i'll give these another week, see if the warmer nights help them get going.
View attachment 4133666 think this is a tequila sunrise pepper..never grown them, supposed to be sweet, with a touch of citrus flavor
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green peppers are starting to produce
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cucumbers took the weather hard, i think these two will be alright, the one that's dead was the biggest one

i'll start another one today
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oregano looks good, basil not quite as good. the eggplants hated the cold weather, but they are already responding to the warmer nights. got a japanese one that produces banana shaped fruit, and one that produces oval fruit like ostrich eggs
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these strawberries are awesome, they survived the winter under a little straw, and already have strawberries the size of the end of my thumb
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