How early can i feed nutes?


Well-Known Member
There aren't 'steriods' (in the literally sense) you can give your plant, although there are lots of great products that promise bigger yields (Colossal Bud, and Big Bud are just two).

You can probably start giving nutes as early as the third week (if seedling, two weeks after it breaks soil, for a cutting maybe just a week after it has rooted). Most people wait a bit longer to be on the safe side as it's easy to over fertilize and kill. I'd say for starters don't go stronger that 1/4 strength for the first feed, maybe even less, then gradually increase the strength. At the begining you want to concentrate on developing a strong healthy root system. Look for some products that help with that before you start feeding it the stuff to grow it into a monster.


Well-Known Member
if your planting in soil you can add when the plant in just srpouting but add some nutri like MG or something like that once a week for the first few weeks then back off for about 2 weeks and feed every two weeks


Well-Known Member
I've sorta changed my mantra on this over the years as I've learned to become more careful. If it's hydro, you can start as soon as you put the rockwool in the system. It just has to be at a very low concentration, like 100-150 ppm. I used to not add until they were like 3 inches tall, but now I do it right away and it's fine. You just have to be very careful. I think it helps to get the roots going faster and that's why I do it. I also like to use Thrive Alive w/ B-1. That really helps with the roots and acts as a very mild fertilizer for seedlings and cuttings. Soil is a different story. Don't start feeding until it is at least at least 3-4 weeks into growing. There are enough nutrients in the soil to take it out that long. Then do it like every 3rd watering or so. You just have to be careful and know your plants. If every 3rd waterisng is too much, then do every 4th. On the contrary if it's not enough, start adding more nutrients per watering, and if it's still not enough, then up it to every other watering until it starts responding. Basically, I'm just saying know your plants and watch them. That is the best way to do it, especially in soil. Hydro is a bit more exact so almost all plants respond the same (to nutrient levels that is). But I gave you some decent generic advice that should help you with whatever you're trying to do.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
14 days from sprout is the earliest you can nute, 1/4 strength ph 5.5 - 5.8 hydro and 6.2 for soil

Rooting hormone acts as a steroid if given as feed in flower. May cause mutations bud growth will increase dramatically, not sure if it increases potency or is safely flushed, so I suggest looking into it before applying, as Ive never done it.

These guys in holland did a test and the buds were massive, i figure a two ounce bud dry, is huge, these were massive.


ok so im new 2 feeding ganja im wondering if u guys cud name some products i could feed my plant while flowering? thx

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
ok so im new 2 feeding ganja im wondering if u guys cud name some products i could feed my plant while flowering? thx

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