How early can i start flowering?


Active Member
I germinated some bag seeds and was was thinking i would take a cutting and flower it to check the sex of the plant. So i was wondering how early i would be able to do this? Is it possible to flower at any time?


Active Member
it's possible to flower at any time, yes, but unless you are doing a scrog, it is not worth it. let your plant veg out for a few weeks first...

you can tie a black baggie over a branch during veg to mimic the flowering cycle... just make sure that branch gets 12 hours of darkness inside it's little baggie and it should show sex.


Active Member
wouldn't that strain the plant, if part of it is in flowering and the other is in veg?
And wouldn't the sealed of part require any air circulation?


Active Member
if your plant is healthy enough to take a cutting from its healthy enough to sex. The cutting will only be good for sexing it not for actually flowering, so once you find out its a girl toss the cutting and crack open a beer and celebrate!


Well-Known Member
When you have at leat 5 nodes for a typical grow, but I have heard some whacky stories of 12/12 since germination lol

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
You can flower anytime...including 12/12 from seed...I've seen plants with just 1 huge bud growing from the pot. That's the joy of indoor growing...u r in complete control!


Active Member
its also possible to force it into flower maybe earlier than you really want... just to determine sex, then throw it back in veg till you think its ready. but, on the other hand ive seen some badass 12/12 from seed grows as well.