How ensure to get a good yeild outdoors????


Well-Known Member
Any tips for a novice grower??? like hole size does that matter should the hole be a couple feet deep and a couple feet wide. Also do nutes really make that much of a difference as opposed to none.

Also insects such as slugs and spider mites what effects do those have

Also size?? does a plant have to be 10ft tall to produce. does the fact that a plant is only 5ft tall and a foot wide matter.

Also soil. Stuff like fox farm does that help or can stuff like basic mg give the same results???

What are some of the things worth spending money on and not


Well-Known Member
I know what your thinking. But any professional grower will know what it takes to get that pound plant or atleast 2 oz's
If your growing outside i suggest a soiless medium like coco coir and peat moss.. Because bugs like soil and hate soiless mediums

Slugs and spider mites can kill your plants if left untreated

As far as how big the plant has to be to produce bud.. its can be just about any size from 10 inches to 10 feet

As far as fox farms as a brand its over priced nonsense .. you will do better with fox farms than mg but thats not the point

Since your growing outside your gonna save a lot of money on light.. buy good seeds from on online seed bank... genetics really makes a difference... buy from nirvana seed bank..


If growing outside use buckets or something like a net because bugs are going to destroy your plants if you just poke holes in the ground.
im growing outdoors in the UK, a large plant pot, poundland veg feed. the only thing iv had pay out for is proper spider mite treatment costing £9.
My view is, what it never had it wont miss, never had strong lights, special soil or special nutes.
Im a week and 2 Days into 12/12, and its starting smell real good.

The only task i have is leaving the water can to sit outside a day and night for the crap out of my tap water evaporate.

Wish we had more and hotter sun, i think all u guys abroad r lucky ha.


Well-Known Member
im in the northeast matt so it don't always get that hot. humid maybe . But yea I just picked up some sluggo as the slugs have been bad this year

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I use tap water never had a problem.i know some people that use no nutes and still get 12 foot monsters they do use a lot of manure tho and this is the california central valley. I personally use fox farm nutes with my own schedule i wont say their the best but they do work just fine. Also dont forget about your ph levels. But no matter what you do somebody's probably gunna steal them any way so who the hell cares!!