Ursus marijanus
Parting and Parthian shot are distinct concepts. cn
Parting and Parthian shot are distinct concepts. cn
Prove it. Was there a universe 'before' the BB? Is there anything outside of the currently expanding universe in which we reside?
Yet modern theories tell us that empty space is not actually empty. The emptiness of empty space still has more 'stuff' than the emptiness of the void outside the border of the universe. There is 'nothing' and then there is 'really nothing.'
Mass is affected by gravity but that doesn't follow that mass creates gravity. Gravity could ALWAYS be present, just only detectable when mass is present. Without a solid mechanism explaining exactly what gravity is, there is no way to tell.
How do/can you know this? What is the nature of space? Until you have a theory of gravity and space that encompasses both, you cannnot say for certain that space is not affected by gravity. Especially in light of modern physics that contradicts that claim.
If space is empty but 'appears' to curve under the influence of gravity, how can you conclude this distortion is not real? What does it mean to not be 'actual' distortion? If it's measured, then isn't it real?
But can be inferred.
This is where you are wrong. CURRENT physical models say exactly the opposite, that spacetime is a real thing that can be shaped by a heavy mass. Einstein is telling us that we are not being pulled to the earth by a field force, but we are being pushed down by spacetime.
You seem to be implying massless forms of energy also have gravitational fields. This is not true. We only see gravitation in the presence of mass.
Why, because you say so? Magnetic fields are pretty well understood under the current model of electo-weak force. Maybe if you could point to a model of gravity that is likewise so well understood and explains observations you can make these claims but AFAIK, there is no model of gravity that shows it as a fundamental field force.
It wouldn't be idiotic if that's what the observations showed us. Of course we know that magnetism doesn't have anything to do with warping spacetime.
Well I'm so glad that we finally have a solid theory unifying gravity with quantum field theory, I'm so looking to reading your paper. Care to give a citation?
You and Seedling should join forces. My goodness, it appears that we are so fortunate at RIU to have such knowledgeable people that can teach us how wrong modern physicists are about the nature of the universe. Screw the science journals and conferences, the top physicists in the world need to start growing weed and begin reading RIU so they can find the truth and go back to the universities to share the knowledge they found on a pot growing website....
Fuck you asshole. Learn to use correct words. I doubt I am the only one that assumed you meant heliocentric as the rest of your rambling idiotic post hinted at you not having the slightest clue about anything. In the same sentence that you mistakenly said heliocentric instead of geocentric you also described the christian creation story as "an adequate theory". At no point ever was it an adequate theory.
Your views are a bit too simple.
so lets see... disagreeing with kip thorne as to the the existence of space without any detectable matter mass or energy still being space and it's NOT being folded (since shit that passes through empty space is not "warped" off course) means that im totally wrong on every possible level, despite the fact that space without large masses or large gravity feilds does NOT deflect energy or matter passing through it.
this fact is inescapable, which would sensibly presume that the space is NOT "warped" until a sufficient mass and or gravity is present to create the observed distortion. since NOTHING does not effect SOMETHING, but SOMETHING ELSE surely does, the sensible non-poindexter concludes that SOMETHING was effected by SOMETHING ELSE, not that SOMETHING ELSE altered the nature of NOTHING to allow it to then interfere with SOMETHING's normal activity. that would be stupid and illogical. and would require inventing 7 new spacial dimensions and "dark matter" just to make the story work.
but then thats the nature of quantum research. using math to "prove" the impossible so that next week some other sliderule jockey can "prove" somnething directly contradictory, and both can collect Feilds medals, Nobel prizes and honorariums.
my view of the universe may not be in line with Kip "Cunt Destroyer" Thorne's super awesome purple lowrider with a fur dashboard and spinnin rims universe, but it's served pretty good so far. but then newton didnt win a nobel prize so fuck that scrub.
in regards to your final snippy and petulant jab... i aint sellin shit but vegetables.
i dont have a book deal, i dont get honorariums for appearing at science fiction conventions, and i aint selling a vacuum cleaner home hair styling system with 3 easy payments. i dont have to come up with new groundbreaking theories every six months to keep my tenure, nor do i have to publish in any journal except penthouse letters. you dont gotta believe me, you dont gotta believe the universe even exists, you could go all descartes and claim we are all just figments of somebody else's imagination or an unquiet dream after an evening of hotwings, jalapeno poppers and domestic beer at the Hooters on Gamma Epsilon 5.
its all fine with me.
eat a bag of sweaty gorrilla nuts, dickcheese.
now that the insults are out of the way...
the geocentric universe theory, the earth being flat, and the universe being created by the hebrew god in six days were all adequate theories for their time.
every one of them.
also adequate theories in their time but now rejected:
the urine of young gaulish boys turns iron into steel.
africans are not as intelligent as other races.
hitler was a visionary progressive leader with great new ideas.
the colonies in the new world would be lost without the english crown
that robespierre guy seems like a good choice for france.
there were WMD's in iraq
there were NOT WMD's in iraq
Obama will bring about Hope and Change
invocation of the name "Bloody Mary" three times will result in your death
tomatoes are deadly poison
patent dietary supplements sold on late night infomercials are a good investment in your health.
marihuana makes negroes into hypersexual rape-machines who can only be weakened by their one weakness. lynching.
evil nefarious mexicans are using marihuana to lure white girls into sexual slavery and prostitution
marihuana is addictive
if you keep touching yourself youll go blind
if you "pull out" she cant get pregnant
that gun is not loaded
each one is WRONG but was right enough for the purposes they were intended to serve. likewise the "warping of time/space" is in my view, a metaphor that has been taken too seriously, and too literally and has now become orthodoxy, much like the geocentric universe was orthodoxy for hundreds of years, and in some quarters evolution is still viewed as "just a theory"
also if my views are "too simple" then exactly how complex does it have to be?
and youre still the only one who didnt get that i meant the geo-centric model when i lumped it in with the story of genesis, and a flat earth, despite my reference to the geocentric model just a few posts before. unclench or it may not be your head that explodes, and anal prolapse comes with complications, and a hefty dry cleaning bill.
The only people who think evolution is "just a theory" are the uneducated and the ignorant. Anyone that understands evolution accepts it for what it is.
I looked through some of the posts and did not see much on general and special relativity, so I'll add my two cents. The way that space time gets warped is when the Lorentz factor is higher. For example, the closer you get to going to the speed of light, the higher the Lorentz factor. What this means is that if you assign the earth as the rest frame and you see someone traveling close to the speed of light, they will in fact be seen as moving slower. However, they will also see us moving slower.
So if you wanted to calculate a trip that was 10 light years away, you could set it up pretty simply. If you are traveling close to the speed of light, the differences that gravity would cause would be negligible as long as you were not too close to any black holes. So if someone traveled 10 light years away at around 98% (I think this is right) of the speed of light. You see that for every 5 hours that passed on earth, only one hour would pass for the traveler. So you would actually see them travel the 10 lights years in 2 years earth time. The reason that they can travel 10 light years in two years is because of lorentz contraction. This also related to the twins paradox, where if one twin is sent off to a star 10 lights years away (at 98% of the speed of light) then he comes back only 4 years older, while the other twin is 20 years older. The paradox is that in relativity, there is no specific frame of reference, so you should not be able to tell who is moving or not.
so lets see... disagreeing with kip thorne as to the the existence of space without any detectable matter mass or energy still being space and it's NOT being folded (since shit that passes through empty space is not "warped" off course) means that im totally wrong on every possible level, despite the fact that space without large masses or large gravity feilds does NOT deflect energy or matter passing through it.
this fact is inescapable, which would sensibly presume that the space is NOT "warped" until a sufficient mass and or gravity is present to create the observed distortion. since NOTHING does not effect SOMETHING, but SOMETHING ELSE surely does, the sensible non-poindexter concludes that SOMETHING was effected by SOMETHING ELSE, not that SOMETHING ELSE altered the nature of NOTHING to allow it to then interfere with SOMETHING's normal activity. that would be stupid and illogical. and would require inventing 7 new spacial dimensions and "dark matter" just to make the story work.
but then thats the nature of quantum research. using math to "prove" the impossible so that next week some other sliderule jockey can "prove" somnething directly contradictory, and both can collect Feilds medals, Nobel prizes and honorariums.
my view of the universe may not be in line with Kip "Cunt Destroyer" Thorne's super awesome purple lowrider with a fur dashboard and spinnin rims universe, but it's served pretty good so far. but then newton didnt win a nobel prize so fuck that scrub.
in regards to your final snippy and petulant jab... i aint sellin shit but vegetables.
i dont have a book deal, i dont get honorariums for appearing at science fiction conventions, and i aint selling a vacuum cleaner home hair styling system with 3 easy payments. i dont have to come up with new groundbreaking theories every six months to keep my tenure, nor do i have to publish in any journal except penthouse letters. you dont gotta believe me, you dont gotta believe the universe even exists, you could go all descartes and claim we are all just figments of somebody else's imagination or an unquiet dream after an evening of hotwings, jalapeno poppers and domestic beer at the Hooters on Gamma Epsilon 5.
its all fine with me.
It is Theory. But, it does not have to be accepted. It can't be proved, mathematically. And it can be challenged with a new model and tested with new hypothesis. I can think of a new model, quite off the top of my head.
It isn't survival selection, at all. It is a yet unknown part of the epi-genome that senses new requirements from the environment and models adaption for the new generations.
See, that is completely different. But, it could be a challenge to the current Theory, when more is known about the genome.
But, you are peddling bullshit and innuendo. You are selling right-fight without any reference or understanding. What distinguishes all this from foolish muttering?
Why is peppering all your speech with all this Fiction reference important for you? It's meaningless to me. Is that your point?
Hard science with it's thorny math seems like Fiction, to you? There are experiments underway.
It is neither Fact nor Fiction. It is the Current, Proved, Understanding. If you could prove something then we could Understand you. But, you pepper Fiction, so you must be dismissing it your own mind.
Parthians, ran off on horseback shooting, while the ones coming in were shooting to cover them.
The ones leaving were "adding insult over the shoulder," according to the Romans,
That morphed into a parting shot, to have the last word of insult.![]()
There is a naval expression of a parting shot, as hail of musket fire or cannon as the enemy passed out of range, that kind of thing. Stiill I see the Roman root in that.
Parthing shot
Parting shot
Word drift seems to be all that has happened. Very common.
So I guess that means, no, you don't have the math or any evidence to back up your claim. You like to accuse me of appeal to authority but it appears you cannot tell the difference between that and someone that actually studied physics. You keep dismissing questions posed to you to explain what you mean when you claim that space only appears to bend light in the presence of gravity. Let's see your work. You keep acting like you have some answer to explain this phenomena, so let's see it. You sound as idiotic as if I said a magnifying glass doesn't actually bend light, it only appears to. As I asked before, in this instance, how is the appearance, not a reality? I suppose you will keep talking in circles and never offer any mathematical or other evidence worthy of science so I guess I will dismiss your bullshit like I do with every other braniac on RIU, that apparently knows better than the thousands of men and women that have made exploring these questions their life's work.
Yes it is completely different. One has been rigorously tested and prevailed every single time, one has not. There is absolutely no doubt that evolution is correct. If you plan to propose an alternate theory to evolution you have quite the mountain of evidence to explain away.
And yes it does have to be accepted. At some point you cannot deny the evidence. Like I already said, if you don't accept it at this point then you are either ignorant or don't understand it. There is no way you are aware of the evidence and understand it and still deny it.